Elo is going to be added in lobbies, but not the way it should be done

Please read this too : Developers, a CALL TO ACTION. Mutliplayer needs FIXING!

“ELO stats will display in casual lobbies when hovering over player names.”

Is something they’re working on according to the last patch.
And I thanks them for that, they actually do listen the community and patches are great for now.

But please, dont just show the QuickSearch elo in normal lobbis. As everybody ask for weeks now, we want a rank system in the lobby, as it was in TAD and in Vanilla.

Because :

  1. Just adding the QS elo in normal lobbies is not good enough, some people will simply never QS so that’s gonna show nothing :confused:
  2. People can just stop QS when they want to be stuck at some elo, then only play in lobbies.
  3. In the future, if the game take the same way than AOE3 Vanilla and TAD, people will only play in normal lobbies and stop QS.

If there is no rank system in normal lobbies, everybody will just be blocked at their elo rank. And new players will never be able to get any elo as QS will not be played anymore.


Not everyone wants a ranked lobby.


All the old players wants it… it’s litterally the main discussion and some of us already returned to TAD and Vanilla until it’s fixed…

U really enjoy a game with a 4 conscript, a colonel and a sergent ?

One of them can 1v5 the others… that’s why we need it


I don’t want ranked lobbies, but showing the ratings there is a good change for sure.


What u think is going to happen without rank in some month ? Good players will be bored to smash noobs and noobs will be bored to be smashed by pro…

We need rank so people can play at their lvl

Of course, without rank people will just be kicked :confused: That’s why we literally need it.

People join lobby by their rank and play, as it always was.

That’s where u’re wrong… dude i have 4000 hours on AOE3

  1. People team in QS way more than in Lobby. So if u don’t want to play vs people in vocal, go in rank lobby and no in rank QS…

  2. I’m right now between the top 50-100 On the QuickSearchTEAM LADDER. And it basically take me 5-10 minutes to find a 2v2 game…

There’s 600-700 players right now in vanilla and i have a lobby game at my rank in 5 minutes…

Just for everyone to see, this is how it was before :


I miss the old ELO. It was so effective and simple.

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Let’s be honest, I’m able to agree the QuickSearch system can work with 10 000 players at one moment. And as said, i already need 10 minutes sometimes.

What do u think will happen to a Quicksearch system in 1 year, a morning, with 1000 players only ? U will wait 1 hour ? lol

Thousands of people are playing AOE3 for 15 years, and it’s incredible. I really think the old ESO is one of the main reason, that possibility to play with people around ur lvl at any time was perfect.


Both are big issues.
Bugs for near future, rank system for long future.

I’m from vanilla so i don’t play dekkan, for us it’s gp :slight_smile:

If u played tad, please sir, can u tell me how is the QuickSearch system working on TAD ? Cause it’s the exast same QS as DE.

In both Vanilla and TAD, there’s both Quicksearch AND ranked lobbies.
I’d even say the Quicksearch system is better in legacy cause u could choose a reach of lvl to play.

But as u know, there is nobody that’s using it, must have been years since last game was found in QS.
So yeah, when they can choose, people use rank lobbies. Cause it’s better in every way :

  • u can kick cheater
  • u don’t fall vs otto russ for example
  • u pick the map
  • u can speak between games
  • etc etc…

In the actually QS system, i’ve played vs really good players and next game vs total noobs… i would avoid wasting my time with ranked lobbies.


Agreed on this. Quicksearch being the main way of 1v1 is so fun and versatile.


I don’t like ranked lobbies, but I agree there are lots of work to improve the quicksearch system.

I’ll just leave my opinion here, if the devs decide to add ranked to casual lobbies as some players are requesting, please leave 1v1 supremacy out of this, Rated 1v1 must remain exclusive to matchmaking!

The only way a good ranking exists is if we only have qs, the day you allow hosted ranked 1v1 games, you will start to see those guys that only play amazonia vs beginners (noobbash), or play only oto in great plains and kick everyone who picks a civ he dislikes, or just point trade for a spot high in the ranking… and the whole elo thing becomes meaningless.


I believe the majority don’t want a ranked lobby. If I remember correctly, the people in the old AoE3 lobby are forced to record the elo after each game, right?

There are very similar systems in AoE1DE and Rise of Nations, but the difference is you can set if this game is ranked or unranked freely. The result is, most of the games are unranked.

AoE2DE doesn’t have a ranked lobby either. There were many people asking for showing the player’s state in the lobby so they can have fair games. The devs listened and patched the lobby so people can see the state of each other. But the result is, many people just create smurf accounts by family sharing to avoid their true skill levels being known by the strangers. And there are many “noob”, "ultra noob, “semi noob”, “good noob” rooms with smurfs. It is almost impossible to have a fair game.

People actually don’t want a ranked lobby. If some casual player feels stressed in QS, he will feel stressed in the ranked lobby too. If you allow people set if the room is ranked or unranked, most people will just go unranked. Still, you can’t have fair games in the lobby no matter what.

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Ranked team lobbies should never ever be implemented for this game again. It was one of the worst part of legacy game. It is basicly a flawed system and eventually turns out for some orthodox players to get boycotted, having same sircle of players playing, picky rooms, picky games and so on, while in current system you have to adopt against all players/playstyles and maps. However, current Quick Search system should be improved to be more accurate, it would be benefical to have a classification among the players who quick search such as Beginner, Good, Advanced. It is a bit of balance issue when a top team player is matching against someone who is totally new to this game.


I really dont know guys, really.

I’m a colonel pr35 on the vanilla game. I don’t want to flame or what (sorry by advance), but I’m a really, really good player.

If there is no rank lobby, i will just stop playing, every good player will. I understand casuals can play with people watever their lvl is, but I can’t, I don’t want to play with beginners or versus beginners.

Everybody ignored my point :

–> What will happen to Quicksearch in 1 year at morning ? When only 1000 players will be online and something like only 100 will Quicksearch ?

—> What will happen in 2 years when only 30-40 players will use Quicksearch and all the others will juts lobby.

The game will die this way…


Kuoting : idk, I think u have not play legacy enough for saying that… everything is organised by rank so it’s easy to got a fair game.

why people couldn’t smurf on the QS system ?

I am brigadier on TAD and a very good player (with spain at least but who care), so my point of view override yours (looks like authority argument is important ^^)

What you said is wrong because most of current top player (for what i know) are against lobby ranked game (in 1v1, not in team) for avoid point tradding/bashing.


Hey, I say it just to show I know the game, not that my arguments are better. ^^

OFC 1v1 is different, but we both know most of the games are in team, 2v2 or 3v3.

Don’t u rather ranked lobby for teams games ?