Enabling other civs' techs and modifying attack through triggers don't work

I’ve been trying to increase the attack of some cavalry units through the scenario editor, via modify attribute and no matter what type of attack I set, the cavalry’s attack doesn’t increase.
Technologies, such as Comitatenses, Hauberk and Farimba also can be enabled. Any idea how to solve this bug?

Hey! I just tested setting attack to a Cataphract and had no issues. I set many numbers to attack 4.
However, it seems you can’t SET an attack more than 255, but you can still use several triggers to keep adding attack.

Did you also modify it’s research location? Maybe the tech it’s actually ready to research, but it’s icon is covered

No, I didn’t, but I didn’;t need to do that before. It used to work either way.

There’s a lot of software in which this happens, not only AoE2. Maybe you could try doing it like that.

Also, did the attack stuff work?

Its working fine. You are setting your triggers wrong.