English need changes.

They need to nerf archers. It is very frustrating to play against english.

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I didn’t say it didn’t mean anything. Just that it’s only a single data point that some folks treat as more than that.


you are right
i think so

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Change Council from 2x archers to

1.5x archers
1.5x scouts
1.5x maa

then give them something to rely on in castle age :

→ farms around king palace have extra +5% gather bonuses
→ farms around white tower have +10% extra
→ +1 +1 to knigts
→ new tech that will improve a bit longbow movement speed

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Maybe they should buff their rush some more.

Longbowmen in Dark Age.

I don’t know, what the English need is buff in the middle game and late, they mostly lose there.

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Perhaps only at the age II where the English started using Welsh Longbows then Palings (but better) should be a technology like Setup camp at the age II because that tactic developed later as Longbows were used, and less bonus vs light infantry this would bring some more force and balance to the English. in the mid and late game, with Arrow Volley in the third age but balanced not at 70%, or who knows, something other than overloading with arrows, perhaps increasing the Longbowmen’s HP a little more, well they cost +10 food than normal Archers.

I thought about one small change, why King’s Palace landmark have only 10 unit slots inside? Why not 15 - 20 like the main hall, It’s landmark afterall. Instead it’s just a second standart TC, 0 difference. This would go well with the fact that it’s a defensive faction. Well actually I was wrong, there is 100 hp more, wow.

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I think the council hall should be able to produce other units from the archery range as well (Handcannon & crossbow). Apart from that, I think it is fine.

Nerfed arrow volley moves to castle age might be interesting. But longbow stat is IMO fine as it is. IMO Maybe having geometry available in castle age only for English would be really interesting. Could buff the possibility of castle age aggression quite a lot (where English is considerbly weak).

Would love to see the Wynguard army having more options tho, e.g. you need to select three different types of units that will come out with Trebs (LB, spear, MaA, knight, crossbow, or horsemen). reduced the cooldown for 15 sec as u don’t get 4 type of units anymore

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Imo they should give the english more options in early- to midgame. Atm english usually means longbow rush which is quite dull. Gonna be interesting to see the buffs within the spring update. Early mma + healing could become quite decent. Idk if it is going to be enough though.


I guess the english need more upgrade options after the age4, but there is little need to increase the fire range of the longbowmen in earlier age.


They are doing exactly that by severely reducing the build time for Man At Arms and giving them 1 additional armor and also increasing the HP regen on Age 2 landmark.

However, what they are also doing is adding +50 starting wood which is a massive buff regardless of what you play. So chances are, players are simply going to keep doing the same thing, but with 50 additional wood so you are going to have towers next to your trees even sooner.

This is not how you encourage diverse strategies. The 50 starting wood is a mistake.

At this point, I wonder why the English don’t have Culverins? They totally should.

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There is something else. New update says that Vanguard MAA has 3 armor, but when it’s upgraded to Early MAA it’ stills has 3 armor, and I think this is a bug.

No, it’s not. It’s just for being able to perform a better dark age rush to put some pressure to your enemy.


English seems weak to me with the Eco and army. But its prob cause I dont know how to use them correctly.

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English has the weakest economy. I Hope they will change that :frowning:

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English has infinite gold in Age IV, their economy isn’t weak at all. No idea how anyone could come to this conclusion. Besides, English doesn’t need to have the best economy. They get a free TC when going to Age 3. And they have the best farm transition which makes them not reliant on mapcontrol for food.

And all of their units get increased attack speed. Even siege gets network of citadels bonus for 50% attack speed. English lategame is one of the strongest in the entire game with infinite gold and faster shooting siege units. Also Longbows outrange Handcannoneers so they remain relevant throughought the whole game. English also has the highest armor MAA in the game and can spam them in Age IV with infinite food and gold.

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Mhm, ok. But it stills a bit weird that Vanguard MAA and Early MAA have the same armor

About the English economy, it’s not bad, maybe being able to trade more other resources than gold only, like the French; longbowmen and trebuchet rely on wood, and at late wood scarce.
Meanwhile, I think that they have a weak army and few technologies.
AOE4 | 150 English Longbowmen VS 150 French Arbalétrier - YouTube
Here is a video, Longbowmen vs Arbaletrier, almost the same resources, and Longbows can’t even counter what they are supposed to counter.
At the end English only have MAA that the unique thing is that have +2 armor and Trebuchets with more AOE. How crazy.
Improve the English and give them Culverins!