I think we can all agree that english r too hard to play. I’m barely Diamond III even tho I have a whole 20 APM and have watched # ##### ##### on how to play the civ!!! Here are my suggestions to make the civ easier, which I think is necessary xD
Horsemen do 2 much dmg to longbows!!! U can make spears but then archers kill them. Introducing: THE SPEARMAN AT ARMS, has tons of ranged armor (and melee too, just to be sure), oneshots horsemen, twoshots knights and is decent against every other unit type
but what is the point of the man at arms then??? Well, I have a solutioon!! TC spawns one man at arms every 30 second for free, starting in the dark age. That way, the enlgish maa would stil be relevent
Microing is hard!!! Thankfully, there isn’t too much of it with english (phew!). It could be better though! I propose we add an AUTO HARASS button on longbows. The longbows would automatically group up, pick the most vulnerable spots and shoot villagers! Of course this would be hard to implement, because u need to occasionally look at wat ur oponent is doing lool and it’s hard with fog of war. This is why I’m introducing my next poitn…
SPIES technology!!! Remove fow in dark age for 5 wood. This is historically accurate becuz james bond is english and hes a spy
sometimes I forget to queue villagers. Add an AUTO-QUEUE villager button pls (only for English tho, I don’t play other civs their 2 ez for me lmaooo)
longbows have not enuf range. This is why I propose adding a SNIPER unit in the gaem.
aniway, let me know what oter buffs we culd give english to make tehm easier to pley. My goal is to make it to conq 3 with just english thx