Hello, I have an error that appears in a mission of the Titans campaign, an error appears from D3D12:
A D3D12 Error has occurred and the game is forced to terminate. Verify your graphics drivers are up to date.
HRESULT: 0x887a0005
I already tried updating the video driver, reinstalling the game and nothing.
Gaming with Intel Iris
![ERROR D3D12](https://forums.ageofempires.com/uploads/default/original/3X/7/4/74a36d5a676da57252b47d60f1b5b49291413c38.png)
DxDiag.txt (113.2 KB)
Does this happen to you everytime in the same scenario? Which one is it?
Is caused by the “Hesperiades Tree” also if you use atlantean civ after the game end it will be impossible launch the game and play. There is no solution yet! I have the same issue and the only thing i found is a work around and it is: “Rename background_atlantis.mythscn to background_atlantis.mythscn.old”
It work for me… at least i can start the game and play but i still can’t use the “Hesperiades tree” because it crash again. I hope that they gonna fix it with an update because i can’t complete the atlantean campaign