Pre-queue for technologies and age ups – Its existing in PC version should be available for console too, its huge disadvantage for console players
Go back to work fix - Currently garrisoning villagers using X button (Into towers etc.) making villagers idle when you ungarrison them and you have to assign them again manually.
Also you need to hold X, it should be single click.
Clicking ungarrison button should cause come back villagers to work automatically with single click button.
X for garrison should be replaced with Y leaving it for attack move just like in Age 4.
Attack move with villagers – It’s not working on console. This button should be different than garrison units.
Dock garrison is bugged for fish ships – It’s not working on console/should work with single click.
Crucial control improvements:
- Select All Buildings/Units - Currently it’s taking a few steps to execute which is a lot of time waste (LB +Hold A+B+LT). There is no chance to upgrade units through that, and there is no reason to select only a single building/unit which is a thing.
- It should be either LB (Popping out the wheel) + Select requested group of units/buildings with single click A and you should have all of them selected ready for use with possibility to make upgrades.
- Or new D-Pad option when clicking LB has been added for selecting certain buildings it selecting only one building or all visible in screen buildings when holding d-pad. There is absolutely almost no use for that. It should select all buildings/units instant if there is a thing.
Quick select/cycling between control groups – There is no such a thing. In AoE 4 for instance there is LT+RB which is selecting group already created, another use selects next group etc. It could replace current use of this combination which is selecting all military ships. Select all military ships can be moved to new select all wheel as mentioned above.
Atlantis hero villagers selection – They should be excluded from select all heroes option when playing Atlantis, as its making micro your heroes very hard.
General improvements:
Better visual indicators aka include features from PC into console version.
- Population Capacity indicator – Pop cap should be highlighted just like the PC version when we are close to population limit just like in PC version. Currently there is a text message which is hardly visible.
- Idle villager – Same as above, PC version has a very nice visible pop-out about idle villagers same should be in console version.
- Hover over relics description – It should works as on PC, if you hover over relics you should have description what it does. Currently to receive information what relics does on console you have to click on it then select description to gather info and its only working when relics are in vision it’s not working in fog of war.
- Health bar scaling option or reduce their size – Currently they are too big
- Controls customization - It would be nice to have any as a lot of problems may be possible to fix by customization
- Input based matching toggle instead of cross-network with leaderboard. – Controller players should be able to play only with each other if they want. Adding leaderboard would be nice feature already present in Age 4 and Age 2.
- Auto eco fix – its not working correctly. Villager stops working for second when turned on it causing villagers to have idle time of walking. Villagers not choosing closest resources. Norse villagers are going to weird locations without ox cart. Auto eco should be also present in all match-ups. It’s highly ineffective and it’s not helping in significant level. This feature is present in Age 4 and none of good players use it. Weaker players who use auto-eco shouldn’t be excluded in any match-up as this is not giving advantage.