Explorers' skin general discussion

Good Evening.
As you can tell, I like the subject of explorers skins, mostly because is so good and so polemic at the same time.
This post is mostly for people come and vent both their good times and their concerns with this small gr2 thing-ies.
So far there are several subjets

  • Why are some skins a total joke?
    Uncle Sam and Astronaut being one of the first skins come up as comprensible if not acceptable. I guess it was intended as a way to distinguish players who had completed the challenges whitin the online/competitive scene.
    Momma Bear is not as justificable. AFAIK, Russians aren’t bothered by their asociation with bears, quite contrary, but so far is the only animal explorer, which considering the timing of its release is kinda…yikes.

  • Female Skins
    Don’t gonna lie, I’m glad to be able to play with some girls in my team. This could span a severe discussion of the historical role of the women in warfare and in the society as a whole, but so far, I think, most female skins are generally justified either for being a cultural aspect of the civ, a campaing character or, actually, historically correct -as Christina, one of the less liked skins…

  • “Why this skins look like this…?”
    I remember when spanish villager and flamenco came up, it was a s***show. AFAIK there is a problem with the lighting effects in the models that render their skin darker as than the intended tone, same with Lizzie, although they were indeed intended to be darker than other characters as Ada Lovelace.

*“It isn’t historically accurate but I’m gonna ignore it”
If the above mentioned girls got banter for not looking “european” and the astronaut for looking out of place, how come that things like Thor and the roman legionarie usually get a pass. I mean, they are cool, but the definition of cool is a broad one.

  • Actually Historic Skins
    Beside the already discussed topics, there are a handfull of skins that depict actual historical characters, as the prince of Orange or Francis Drake. I think is a good aproach to the topic in comparason of the usual requests from the players.

Anyway, fire your shots.

Explorer skins are always great! If a certain skin seems out-of-place, you don’t have to use it. I love using the astronaut and centurion skins, and my only gripe is that there should be a lightning affect when the Thor skin shoots.


I call my Spanish female explorer Inés de Suárez and that’s all I have to say about it

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Explorer Animal Skins seem strange, but it can be justified if the animal in question is a national symbol. The Polish civ must have the Sunda Proboscis skin, which is portrayed as a typical Pole in memes.

Uncle Sam is iconic to the USA. Astronaut is pointless.

If it is historically correct or refers to symbolism or culture, it is recommended.

For me, the ugliest Skin is some Pirate for the Portuguese civ.

I like those “joke” skins.
For me there is no problem for devs to add some easter egg in this game.


Probably some mod could solve this!

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