Falling tree audio bug

  • Game Version:v.100.18.419.0

  • Build Number:524707R

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 11


During wood harvesting. The animation of the tree falling does not produce any sound, while normally the sounds:

should play during the animation.

The sound only comes when the resources on the tree are exhausted. So the sound is produced when the tree is completely harvested.
It is quite confusing and unpleasant.

Trigger Event:

No special action
-no mods
-Steam verification of the game performed
-Windows and drivers up to date.

Repro Steps:

The frequency of the problem is systematic and constant.

-Peasants, regardless of the faction or map are sent to cut wood.
-The animation of the tree falling plays correctly, but there is no sound.
-The sound is produced once the resources contained in the tree are exhausted.

In conclusion it is as if the tree with a “Death sound”
the sound produced is correct but not at the right time.

The sound should play during the animation and not when the resources of the tree are finished.

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Can also confirm that this is happening to me as well

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