Game Version:
- Build: 101.101.36202.0 4819260
- Platform: Steam
- Operating System: Windows 10
When farmers deplete their farm, instead of reseeding their own farm they build a new set farm if available. This can happen when you send lumberjacks to build new farms. While going to the new farm foundation, already existing farmers might decide to build the new farm instead of reseeding the farm they were working on. The end result is idle villagers (as the farm foundation they were supposed to build is no more) and disappearing farms (the ones abandoned by the farmers).
Reproduction Steps:
Here’s how to reproduce the problem:
- Build 8 farms and have 8 farmers work on them.
- Activate automatic re-seed or queue some farm reseeds
- When the first farms are about to deplete, have 8 new villagers build 8 more farms next to the old ones. In order to make the problem arise, I had those 8 new villagers in the other corner of the map.
- While the builders arrive to the new farm foundations, the old farms will deplete. The farmers, instead of reseeding the farms they were working on, will build the foundations set for the second set of villagers, abandoning the old farms.
- When the second set of villagers arrive, they will try to build the farms they were ordered to. After doing so with any possible remaining new farm foundation, the surplus villagers will idle. On top of that, some old farms will disappear as they weren’t reseeded.
When the second group arrives, only one of the farm foundations remains and the old abandoned farms have disappeared.