I am enjoying this new DLC. I was just curious, for people that have played it, which civ is your favorite? I prefer the Athenians at the moment. solid infantry, good defense, decent ranged combat. I also like the ability to pick a different policy, and like the speed boosts the civ gets.
My favorite civ is still not there, I cant wait to play the Roman Republic or the Roman Empire. Punic Wars, Macedon with Diadochi wars maybe, I dont know but this can be really good
Archaemanids seems like most balanced out there rn(Still mad how come Sparabara isnt a UU made from Barracks) would’ve been nice if researching Sparabara allowed creating a Spearman like unit but without anti-archer bonus works against them. I like Athenians but I dislike its policy of paying each time for switching bonus. It should be one time pay. Otherwise Athenians are good all across. Spartans is my least favorite because they arent good at Infantry and mostly has to do with Infantry being weak across the board. They don’t have anything really worth mentioning otherwise. Bad defense due to lack of stone wall. I dont even know why devs choose not to give stone wall.
I agree about the Roman Republic, Empire, Diadochi and Macedonians (plus the Carthaginians and Parthians). Those would be really interesting armies.
bigbossbro08, there is a historical reason for not giving the Spartans stone walls; and it is a nice touch.To rely on walls for protection was anathema to the Spartan ethos–their soldiers were their walls.
I could be wrong wasnt Sparta city made of walls?
For the time period we are talking about, Sparta did not have a wall around its city. They allegedly bragged that they did not need walls, as their men were their walls.
I could be wrong. But anyways, Spartans really lacks something which feels uncomfortable to play. Guess current state of Infantry line is to blame.
Achaemenids are my favourite by far.
- Beautiful buildings
- Well-rounded tech tree with plenty of fun options
- Immortals are so insane, but really fun to use
- War Chariots are brutal too, and a very interesting concept of a unit that reverses its normal counters
The Greek civs just feel like they are quite rail-roaded past a certain point, especially the Spartans. There is something to like in how hyper-focused they are, but it’s not for me.
I think Spartans legit need another trash unit bonus on top of Helot Levies UT. Even the Polymarch need some overhaul. Perhaps a mounted version to make Cavalry worthwhile. I still think Polymarch shouldn’t be researched from TC or do how AOM allows creating Hero units simultaneously while creating villagers. Better yet take it to Barracks or Stable. Hopefully a future infantry buff all across civs can solve serious glaring issues.
I am surprised they don’t get any skirmishers bonuses outside of that. Spartans had very effective skirmishers, the only other thing they did outside of more infantry.
Skirmisher also would help solve their “infantry focused” problem too. Too early to tell but I dont know what to answer with even other than Infantry.
Plus, I don’t think the Spartans’ infantry focus is significant enough to make up for their lack of balance in cavalry and missile units, and not having walls.