I was happy and excited to finally see some buff for Teutons, but at the end I don’t feel it was meaningful.
In my opinion, Teuton’s design is : being a very slow walking and defensive civilization that hit strong.
But I sincerely feel they don’t feel that point, because :
- Lack of husbandry makes their paladins not really effective, especially versus archers or sieges.
- Teutonic Knights despite having amazing stats, is too slow to be a threat. Only the AI would engage an attack against them on a melee combat.
- Despite having really good buffs for defenses, they would lose against a mobility war, where they would not catch up and just end up being overwhelmed.
Because of that, they have a really hard time against Archers & Siege Civilizations, plus the mobiles ones who can raid from one side to the map, to the complete other side.
Here my point of view why I feel the recent buff are not really meaningful :
The [+1/+0] starting Castle Age :
I think the [+1/+0] armor is pointless by design, because their Teutonic Knights should fit the “strong melee unit”, and doesn’t need to have more “strong melee unit”, with their champions & their halberdier.
This would have been interesting if it was instead [+0/+1], giving them more options against Archers and assaults.
Farm cost from 33% less to 40% less :
It was already super strong bonus, I don’t see why buffing it by an addition of 7%. The goal of this bonus is to “boom” faster, saving wood, and getting a strong income of foods, but at the end it reduces only by 4 woods. It wasn’t necessarily and it has, so far, no meaningful impact.
Ideas in how to buff the Teutons, with one or more of the following options, and that by keeping in mind they don’t need Husbandry, nor Bracer :
Increase Teutonic Knight speed to reach its possible threat. Currently at max stats, it reaches 0.77 speed, which is slower than most of archers that are at 0.96. I would buff their speed up to 0.9 with Squires, and would not be “broken”, because they would still be heavily counter by archers and anti infantry. It would just give more options to their already very limited use. Since they “only” have 2(+4) pierce armor, they would still be heavily counter by archers and pierce damage, where most of civilizations can do easily.
Giving them access to Light Cavalry. Teutons are one of the worst “Trash Units” (units that doesn’t cost golds) civilizations, since they only got access to the fully upgraded Halberdier. Giving them Light Cavalry would at least give them some cavalry options, especially against siege and archers, despite not having Husbandry.
Changing the [+1/+0] to [+0/+1] (or even [+1/+1] ) to specifics units. I like the ideas of making champions because of some specific traits and upgrades, but for me it feels too weak, and as I said before, is not a necessity. They already have the Teutonic Knights that should fit in that role. And giving at least 1 pierce armor would give them options against archers, where they struggle a lot with. For example, I would love something similar to Tower Shield of the Lithuanians, it would be a very great buff for them, giving them more options, despite not having Bracer.
I would conclude that, this is why I think we don’t see Teutons in the pro-play, because of their lack of possibilities, their too specific gameplay which gives easy counter and anticipations, despite having some great ideas. Bring love to Teutons !
EDIT : I really like the suggestion of OliveCereal4714 with his Deus Vult
Instead of having bonus armor, pierce armor, which ends up being similar to Malians, giving them speed under a cost AND conditions (keeping relics) looks great !
I would change a bit like this, so it could be more balanced, while keeping that great idea, otherwise it would be too strong with a 30% bonus on top of Squires : Champions with 1.26 speed, Halberdier with 1.4 speed :
- Each relic in garnison gives 2.5% movement speed to the Barrack-line, and 5% movement speed to the Teutonic Knight, to a maximum of 4.
It would be a second “relic”/religious oriented civ with the Litthuanians , giving so much in the game design :
- a unique strategy to play with or against
- kind of historically accurate, with Teutonic Knights being more zealots than their Barrack-line
- a possibility or not to research that technology depending of the situation
- Reaching the maximum possibility which seems fair :
0.7 + 20% (relic bonus) + 10% (squires) = 0.91
movement speed, which is what I suggested already. It would increase their idea of being a defensive civilization - Since by most of game you have at least 2 relics guaranteed, it would give 10% to the Teutonic knight, reaching 0.84 speed, and giving 5% to the Barrack-Line, giving 1.035 for the Milice-Line and 1.15 for the Spearman-line.
- With that basic bonus, Celts would be still by default the fastest civilization, but under certain conditions, Teuton would become with this bonus. They would be what is the Litthuanians compare to the Franks.