Fifth resource

If there were to be another resource it would have to be XP, something simple to add that rewards peoples actions.

It does not need to work like a deck system (but it could too), but could be exchanged in other ways.

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Why does it need to be XP or something simple that rewards player actions? Iron or something non-simple would be fine.

The game has been under development for years. There have been far more cumbersome and complex things for devs to do than add an additional resource. And from a player’s perspective, the game won’t all the sudden get exponentially difficult. On the contrary, if you’ve played AoE2 for decades, you won’t be twiddling your thumbs with simplistic 4-resource management anymore. And if you’re new to AoE yet live in the year 2021, you’ll be able to manage just fine. Chances are good that you already watch videos, listen to music, play games, make meals, talk, dance, read the news, visit forums, chew gum, and exercise all at the same time in 2021. We can handle one more resource in AoE :wink: It’s not 1997 anymore

There won’t be a fifth resource, look


Oh that’s wierd, it didn’t show the picture on the reply itself

some civs might have kind of one, like India, I Have seen a quill pen and scroll, they may have to earn the free techs… I am just speculating on what those icons were for.


That’s something I didn’t really think about, with asymmetric civs there probably could be civs with unique resources, maybe the pen and quill could be something unique the the Delhi sultanate

It doesn’t have to be anything… but it worked great in AOE 3 and really promoted people to do stuff. Particularly in FFA which I play. So the player who is fighting early, may be using a lot of eco, but conversely is getting way ahead on shipment techs. And instead of shipments from the home city, it could have been shipments from the feudal vassals. Its just a nice way to reward doing stuff, and making the tech process a little more selective.

Looks like they are sticking with 4 resources with maybe some special type things civs need to do to get their civ bonus (like India with free techs)

The problem with AoE3 shipments, is that it allowed you to ship units and resources, when the only shipments that should have been available, should have been upgrades and Mercenaries.

Because you could get resources and units, every civ has 700 Wood, 700 Gold, 6-8 basic units and 2 Falconets (or equivalent) as mandatory shipments, which completely went against the proposed design for the system, which is that there should be no mandatory shipments, no “right answer”.

They should have kept shipments as auxiliary unit unlocks, expensive Native Ally and Mercenary batches, small unit stat and economic buffs.

Being able to send in units and resources, ruined AoE3’s shipment mechanics. It is why the game is so Meta-locked, it is insane.


I do agree some shipments are too good and many get overlooked.

DE did try to make some better by adding yield to natural resource upgrades and such…

But I do think it would be better to have it unlock techs, even if you have to pay for them, or mecrs etc…

I could see it like an age up option to accept alliance with some feudal lord, maybe he can provide 3 shipments, infinite times, like 300 food, 3 knights, or tech that increases unit speed. another one might offer 200 coin, 5 archers, and tech to make archers plus 1 range, each age giving another person to ally with and different options to choose from.

by by the time you age up several times, you have several 1 time cards to use, and also several infinite cards. It lets you build your civ strengths in unique ways yet also keeping balance in line with what other players are choosing from.

Neither the OP, nor my posts have said there would be a fifth resource (for all civs). The OP said, “What do you think about a fifth resource?”… and so we’ve talked about it

Your reply is as if the someone wrote, “What do you think it would be like to live in the Alpha Centauri star system?” and you reply with, “We won’t live in the Alpha Centauri star system, look (points to star map showing light-years between)” :yum:

A fifth resource will probably fit in age 5, If that goes further than age 3 in time.

In such Game a 5th and maybe 6th resource for later times / techs would be fine and easily implemented. I would Like that, But ONLY If WE have more than 4 ages-, or only 1 nee resourcefor the last age.

Obviously a General 5th gatherable resource cant really bei a dlc AS all Maps would need rebalance and all Units aswell i think.

But WE do have a 5th resource in Dome instances, such AS “Research Speed” from the Scholars, specific to their civ :slight_smile:

I played Rise of Nations and Starcraft II this Winter before coming back to Age of Empires II. Oh and some Company of Heroes 2 mixed in there.

I have to say that Rise of Nations with 5 different resources is too much. Startcraft II with minerals and gas is great. Makes for a quick arena battle. Since Age of Empires II & 4 are not arena battle RTSes, 4 is a good mix and already has defined uses and strategies both offensively and defensively.

You change the resources you collect and you change the game. No need to recreate Rise of Nations if that isn’t your intention.


Rise of Nations had a lot of nonsense going on, including spheres of influence; it’s hardly comparable to AoE. I love AoE but hate RoN… and additional resources aren’t the cause. Though, if they implemented all those resources in a non-AoE way which didn’t resonate with me, then they certainly could have. The RoN Wiki says there were six resources, actually. Maybe too many felt like bloat or harder to manage in that game… or were just undesirable. But, for me, AoE can easily handle one more resource. I’ve landed on an Iron resource for now