Fire/Hoop Thrower History/Compendium

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • **GAME BUILD #: June PUP
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Messed description and compendium for Hoop Throwers. No description in game for Fire Throwers. Check Images.

:arrow_forward: IMAGE


The old Hoop Thrower description shows the new Fire Thrower description.

The new Fire Thrower doesn’t have any description/history tab

In the Compendium, Fire Thrower shows Hoop Thrower name.

  1. The Game Description entry it’s okey, but as shown on the second and first image it doesn’t show in game for the Fire Throwers, but in the Hoop Throwers.
  2. The first History entry should be the Game Description for the old Hoop Throwers.
  3. The second History entry it’s okey for both, I suppose.

Okey, I think that I found what happens.

<string _locid="162362"> should be Fire Thrower (is the string of the compendium) instead of Hoop Thrower
<string _locid="162363"> Is the gameplay description of the Fire Thrower. Is loaded correctly on the compendium, but isn’t shown ingame to see the description.
<string _locid="162364"> is empty. I suppose that here would go the “History” part of the Fire Thrower
<string _locid="100574"> is the “gameplay” and “history” description of Hoop Thrower. It should appear back for Hoop Thrower, but it shouldn’t be shown on the compendium for Fire Thrower.

Thanks for the report. We’re now tracking this issue.

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this has not been fixed