and i dont know if even with a civ they will come.
I better start a poll to know why my friends dont play anymore team games between us.
I don’t think even the ranked map pool has changed. Ranked maps should really be on automatic rotation by now, I want to play new england on ranked again.
The update was really very poor, some ok balance changes but they messed up more than they fixed and nothing new.
Cards not working, lackluster content since a long time, longterm balance issues because devs refuse to change problematic cards and hammer units.
what is the matter with your friends? Don’t they like MOBAs and Tower Defense?
Remember to keep supporting the devs even if they are doing a poor job and have other priorities.
You’re playing the wrong AOE.
Go and play the real AOE with the very innovative new mechanic of gathering special resources to recruit foreign units.
If you stay in this game for any longer they will be angry and punish you with poorer management.