When playing 3v3 or 4v4 games, your team is only as good as the worst player on it. Its a fact, and I am not alone in this, but waiting 15+ minutes to find a decent game kills the buzz, Constantly having to dodge a que because I get the Bronze and Silver tier players on my team vs the premade. I’ve tried playing them and its always the same result. Other team ram all in’s the silver/bronze bois, and they naturally have 2 dark age spear and 3 TC’s and scream and spam the ping for help. But HELP isn’t going to arrive bc its futile. they have no army to defend themselves, instantly playing 2v3 12 minutes into the game and then they leave and the game is over.

This is the Age of Empire IV peak ranked game play performance. HOW PATHETIC. Fix the game, who cares about long que times, make the matches fair. So sick of playing with plastic league “this is my one game a week” guy or the “i have 3 kids!” type of guy. Is there not a fitler to get rid of these scum? Let them play with themselves since they could careless the outcomes of their games, just get the the F away from me. Unreal how brain dead the devs are in this matter. Un-R-E-A-L


The only problem is the inexistence of the solo and premade queue. In my opinion, if there is a premade of 2 players, or the 3 players, there must be a premade of the same number in the other team.

It’s so unfair when for example you play a 3v3 against 3 friends who obviously are communicated all by discord and they talk the same language. Someone would bring archers, the other spears, etc… Whereas in your team there’s a guy who doesn’t have a single unit to defend.

At least if not a premade of the same number is guaranteed, there should be solo and premade queue.

As you said, I don’t care if I have to wait 5 minutes instead of 2, because getting an unfair match it’s a pitty since the beginning of the match.

Somedays I can start a match, a 4v4 against 4 chinese dudes that obviously goes together, and you start the game knowing you have a very big chance of lose this game simply because they are a premade of 4 against 4 random dudes that have never spoken before.

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Even just being vaguely of the same rank/level and being able to set a language preference would be a massive improvement.

Tired of allies who are so dense they don’t understand what pinging the one unwalled section near their base means. Or pinging a section of wall then the unwalled part. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE ROYAL KNIGHTS ARE GETTING IN MAN DON’T BUILD THAT THIRD TC.

Or a region/ping lock and call it a day.