Fixing non euro/colonial esp Asians

The KotM units are gimmicky as hell even if they use relatively normal weapons. Just because they use random specific uniforms for made up units with weird functions (counter skirms, dismounting, etc) doesn’t mean they’re accurate or fit their roles. It’s a different problem from the Asians but it’s just as dumb.

That’s because there aren’t many wacky units to draw from in Africa. Mabele and Leopard Prowlers are the only thing I can think of that would use out of the box weapons. Both of those would be awesome to have. Hausa also has a guy that blows a horn to damage units so they’re not entirely without weird stuff.

Contrast that with Asia where there are countless treatises on oddball weapons and a multitude of martial arts. When you look at it that way, it’s actually more of a waste to go with faux unique units like “Pikemen” Pikemen or Arquebusiers.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. I’d rather have unique and different civs instead of countless Euro clones with an Asian veneer.

The issue is using any and every oddball unit without regard for when and where they were used. Meteor Hammers are basically impossible to use from horseback (and impractical on foot), Flamethrowers are centuries out of date, Indians have no horses at all, and elephant mounted artillery was not heavy siege guns. None of these things are remotely realistic. And with all that, the Asians still don’t have a proper artillery roster and have to hire European weapons with a limited resource.

Unique units are great, but they should be ones that are at least plausible. Lang Xain, Three Eyes Gunners, War Carts, and Rocket Pods are all just as unique as the most problematic Chinese units but they actually were used in battle. There are more atypical units like Chu Ko Nu and Flying Crows that you didn’t mention. But they pass under the radar because they give some uniqueness without coming off as completely absurd like the others.