Fixing the Maghrebi

Herbal medicine is the best healing tech in the game and one of the best techs in the whole game and it is waaaaaaaay better than this stupid UT

The difference is that you donā€™t have garrison, maintain the presence in battlefield, can raid, can move to another spot for defense while you are healing insted of stay garrisonedā€¦

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This sums up a lot about this thread and OP.

Thereā€™s nothing more to say, really. How can you discuss with such people, i mean.


It remind me when African Kingdoms came out this tech applied to everyone including your enemies (fixed by patch). Berbers are too nice team member and making it nicer. Interesting

Think like it just supports your cheap Camels a little bit. Not great Tech, but donā€™t forget your Camels are cheap. Byzantines knowns as has cheap camels but Berbers has much better Camels with Cheap and fully upgraded with a little support tech. You can take this when you have full population and money in your bank.

Man why are you not getting the point?! Maghrebi is not worthy while fighting, so it is better to put your units at rest which means the Herbal medicine is better. Do you think 1hp in 4 seconds is worthy?!

No no no, you are totally wrong my friend you didnā€™t get the point and now it is fine to you to get 1hp in 4 seconds !!! What the hell is that?!

I compared this to Herbal medicine because this UT is not worthy through fighting which is mean it is better for the berbers player spending his eco on Herbal medicine rather than spending it on this useless UT

It has a negligible effect on melee camel riders but itā€™s pretty good for camel archers which allows them to regenerate damage from arrows and skirms between hussar meatshield.
I think they should reduce the cost to like 400 or 300 food (currently 700)


They should increase itā€™s ratio man, because 1hp in 4 seconds is just a joke

I get the point, but I disagree with it has to worth while you are fighting, because it would be too much adventage. Ride units are strong because you can put you in safe easly, chose when fight, do arrassment tactics. This UT, I think, should bonus these tactics, make your units last longer, just that. It shouldnā€™t have impact in a direct fight, but if you take little skirmishs, healing in the middle with a good ratio, at a long term you should win.

Edit: If you want healing faster then you will have to pay in idle units garrisoned in castle.

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15h/min is too low but 30hp/min seems too high. especially on camel archer. It could remains 15hp/min for camel archer and something like 25hp/min on camel rider. Or heal a percentage of max hp, which means elite version get more healing/minutes.

But donā€™t compare it to herbal medicine. Herbal medicine needs to be way stronger because your unit accomplish nothing while they are healing in a castle. And there is a limited place on castle too. Itā€™s super hard to compare both these tech. But you can compare it with berserkgang

Another way is to reduce the tech cost as some previous posts said

Please understand differences between quality and quantity. Berbers have nice cheap Stables bonus which makes them one of the best cavalry civilization. If you increase ratio, it gives both Quantity and a lot of Quality (they have all of upgrades in addition to unique tech). Both of them broken. Making it cheaper enough buff.

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No this will not make them OP because actually their UTs and their eco bonus are laughable enough. Here i am asking to fix something useless not something good and make it better, because it is not good at all.

Meghrabi is alway very situational. Also with 30 HP/min it would be situational.
If you are losing your camels, meghrabi canā€™t save you. If you win, you should immediately go raidig with your camels and therefore losing them in the process. Itā€™s worth much more than keeping them alive.
And you can easily replace them with new full hp ones. This is usually better than waiting for your opponent to replenish and then losing the war.
Which happens quite often just because of that thinking: "oh i have meghrabi, I wait until my camels are back at full hp. This is mostly a bad Idea.

I only play meghrabi on gigantic multiplayer maps where the battle and raiding locations are not that close.

Cheaper Stable units are laughable?

Berbers arguably the best Cavalry civ. I donā€™t know your play style but my play style is completely meat shielding trash good melee units, Hussars. Ranged units takes halbs down from back without taking any damage.

You have fully upgraded cheap Camels. Fully upgraded unit and itā€™s cheap. Byzantines saves 3 food and 3 gold more in Imperial age (6 each in Castle) but they lack 2 upgrades.

Berbers have population efficient version Skirmishers for late-game with more speed.

I think buffing Maghrebi Camels like buffing Atheism and making spies costs -%75 because itā€™s useless for Huns. Huns have fully Upgraded Paladins, no houses (good for farm placement) and cheap Cavalry Archers just lacks armour, if you put meat shield like Hussars it doesnā€™t matter itā€™s just cheap normal Cavalry Archer (makes same damage). Huns have surprise raiders, Tarkans. Atheism is trash needs buff. But if you buff atheism, Huns will be buffed.

If you buff Maghrebi Camels it will buff Berbers which is strong civ.

If you donā€™t like a civ donā€™t play and make suggestions about it. Like I donā€™t like Indians style. I play Hussars+Cavalry Archers and I think best civs are Magyars and Mongols for it (others has weak or I didnā€™t like their unique unit or not too much quality bonus). I will write a lot of civs but I donā€™t know which one is best, itā€™s not my specialty; If you love Paladins play as Franks, Lithuanians, Teutons. For archers Britons, Mayans, Ethiopians. Camels? Berbers, Saracens, Indians. Infantry? Teutons, Malians, Burmese, Bulgarians, Goths, Celts. Siege? Celts with infantry, Ethiopians with Archers, Khmer with Elephants.

I think your problem is that you assume that units either sit in a castle or take dmg. This is wrong. Units, especially mobile ranged units, can do a lot of stuff without taking dmg. In fact, i would argue that ā€œnot taking dmgā€ is their default, taking dmg the exception. Imagine you win a fight in the middle of the map, decide to raid the back of the enemy base, hit and run a bit, move back to your base, regroup, and start another push. During all this time, your units heal up without taking (much) dmg. But they are not idle at all. Even when you start pushing and fighting, chances are high your CA wont take dmg - as there usually are hussars in front of them. So they still heal up while doing dmg.

Im not saying the UT is OP - it is usefull, but nothing more - but comparing it to herbal is just weird as one forces you to retreat your unit while the other is active while your CA are destroying your opponent.


I actually agree, considering that berserkers have a base regeneration of 0.33 (0.66 aftthe UT) it may be balanced.

But there are 2 things to point out:

  • Camels have more HP than berserkers
  • Cam.A are ranged units (and an already strong one) so less exposed to damage.

So maybe we should buff the regeneration only to.20 or.25, or we could buff the regeneration to.30 for camels and leave it to.15 for Cam.A.

This. CA have a completly different role than berzerks - one unit is frontline and dies quickly, the other stays back, is very fast and can survive for days.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was saying.

Even if herbal medicine gave ten times the heal rate that this tech does, it would still only work when the units are garrisoned. My units are never garrisoned because I try to always have them do something, so herbal medicine does noting. 10x0=0.

On top of that Berbers are according to the stats one of the strongest civs at least on 1v1 Arabia right now. They donā€™t need a buff and as a Berbers picker I would kinda hate to see a cool feature I actually use get weakened or taken away because this tech ā€œneededā€ to be buffed. If you are going to suggest buffs, suggest them for bottom ranked civ. If you are going to suggest something for civs that are already good, make it a mild nerf.