Flags,The Modern Italian Flag, its place in AOEIII+RF Unit Voices

I tell you what, there is also a standard for how many cards a civ should have. Any violation to the number is double standard.

What they have been doing is making some parts of the game more accurate. They are not saying “we think inaccuracy in XXX is not tolerable but inaccuracy in XXX is fine”. The latter is double standard.

And DE actually made massive name and flag changes at release, for most civs. A lot of flags that are too narrow, names that do not make sense (“stadholders”, “macehualtins”, “baractu”) or not native (“gardener”), even weapons that do not fit (Japanese ashigaru with bayonet), got fixed, I do not know where that double standard is coming from. So every civ should get fixed to say exactly 90% accurate no more no less, is that what you mean?

Now, native Americans. They changed the flag to something that does not make sense to something that still does not make sense. Their units are still poorly represented. They have probably the fewest options. That customization announced for 4 months have not yet dropped. And you’re mad just because they got two voiceovers? Are you serious?

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Balance will always be an issue when itroducing new civs or new changes for pre-existing civs. And yes, they done goofed with the asian dinasties because they put a lot more cards - and that is a double standard. If the standard is 50 cards and you create a civ with 65 - you are violating the standard and also u create a balance problem. I know DE did a lot good and i praise DE for the good that they did. But they absolutely broke the culture meta with the new age-ups - like european culture civs age up the same - with polititians, the asians with wonders. But u have african civs - that should be a separate culture - aging up the same as the americans and the mexicans. I feel they totaly threw the "cultures’ thing under the bus.

Okay. Let’s also make a standard for the number of units. Having any civ with more or less than 5 infantry, 2 cavalry and 4 artillery, is double standard.
Also the number of buildings. Having any civ that do not fill up the construction panel is double standard.
Also and the number of unique voice lines. Having any civ that has more than one units sharing the same voice line is double standard.

Now I see your problem. You should buy the game.

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Yes im serious - they could have spent those resources to actually do something good and actually represent the Native Americans if they so what to. Back in the day my first love was Sioux now Lacota, and i am a massive fan of all things Natives - westerns are one of my favourite genre of movies.

And i do own the game and participated in all of the betas. I preordered it a month before release and i own every DLC. I think you should search for a file called “cultures” in the DATA folder.

But you should unpack it first with the resource manager. I mod this game since forever and i know the game from the inside out brother.

Okay now I see the origin of all your opinions posted here. You’re not nutty about accuracy. You’re mad because some part of the game is not as uniform as machine-cuts, even if it is the bottom level implementation.

By all means the Africans and US/Mexicans have different age-ups. The names are different. The bonuses are different. The number of choices and how they renew are different. You’re mad just because they have the same bottom level mechanics.
Now you should know another thing to mad about: in protoy TWC units have “xp” prefix, TAD units have “yp” prefix, but all units after DE, European or American or African, all have the same “de” prefix. Double standard.

Now going back to accuracy: how do you measure accuracy? Divide the number of accurate units/cards/techs/buildings by the total number, and the result should be the same for all civs? Some civs have more accurate units, some techs, some cards, some voice lines, some flags, some none of them. Some also got more fixes than others. The reason some get more fixes is either because they were less accurate, or because the updates follow a certain theme, or because the devs just want to do so. I’m all for more contents and more historical flavor for every civ but even with that you still cannot make sure they are evenly accurate. Spanish got more cards in the rework than British, maybe that’s double standard as well.

I don’t think this conversation should continue any more because changing other’s philosophy of life is futile.

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Anyone who has complaints about flags should wait for the release and keep on watch for mods…Remember the Mexican flag? There are mods that replace it with more accurate ones.

I got words by a modder that they will make a mod, i kinda helped with pinpoining a flag, which would be of the papal state, which i find more accurate seeing how much focused on it the civ is


I’ve started working on some flags but I’ll wait on the release to see how things work out.








edit: added more


The problem is not finding someone that can say something.
The problem is getting them into a studio the record the sounds.
Also not everyone has a voice suited for that roll.
It’s not as trivial as you think and you would complaint about bad quality voice lines if they wouldn’t put int the effort.

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answer: just wait till someone creates mods for Italian flags if you are so upset. there already is a mod for different US and Mexico flag ( I myself use mod for first Mexican Empire flag) so I am sure someone will create mod for different Italian flags as soon as it is released.

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hmm maybe I should open a thread on flag requests like the custom civ icons in AoE2

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And all of these republics are included in the aoe3 time frame, so it fits.

The flag with the savoy shield was used for just a period of the aoe3 time frame, but all of them have in common the tricolor, so it’s a way to include them all.

Its not about the a flag mod - i can create flags - it takes like less then 5mins to do the
flag_itaians_normal,high,click and the disable flag files (there are 4 flags/pics to animate “pressing a button” when you press the flag). The thing is - at least in my experience - that flag mods dont work in multi/ladder. If these mods worked in multi, as some other do, i would not care wether they put the turkish flag and call it Italian. Imma create me some flags replace them and post the mod in the mod section for other people to use. If i do something wrong with installing the flags, and i dont think i do, someone do point me out what i do wrong, cuz a flag mod does not interfere with gameplay and should be multiplayer passable.

I will still say that the Kindom Of Italy flag will fit better as a flag for an AoEIII civ, and as i stated, if flag mods do not interfere with multi - i wont utter a thing about flags - i’ll just create my own versions and be happy with what im seing. Flag mods were not a problem in RE, and i dont see why they do interfere here, because you are just changing .dds files which are pictures in a .dds format.


Yes, after yp which is the asian dynasties they kinda got rid of the “culture” thing - because the culture is what the buildings will look like and how the civ is going to age up - either picking a polititian like vanilla (and now they kinda returned to that with the Italians which im glad), picking a tribe representative like in the warchiefs or aging with a wonder like in TAD. Yes after that, everything has the “de” and it appears that they kinda just do stuff only to do stuff. As for the accuary - i get it, as i said, there will always be some kind of an issue, but the purpose of a game developer should be to keep to the standard and even things out with what he has and not include more cards or take cards out of a civ - but thats how they do it - i dont like it - and i have the right to state my opinion because i payed for this product and i expect quality over quantity.
I guess we will agree to disagree here mate. Have a nice one and thanks for the discussion. Cheers

Edit: They did it right with the Inca and stuck with the standard of Natives aging up with the tribal representatives mechanic. They messed up - for me - by puting the same culture/mechanic to the other dlc divs like USA, Mexico and the African civs. That things would have been fine if it was only African based - like an African culture-age up mechanic. For the USA and Mexico there should have been a different culture - like North American culture with different age up mechanics. Its not that hard - WoL added like a Balkan culture, North American, and a bunch more. Its how the game was made and it is the staple and the basis of the civs. To some it may be like “yeah whatever” but to a guy like me that praises the legacy of AoEIII, has spent thousands of hours playing and modding it, the culture abandonment is a disgrace to the original devs and the legacy of AoEIII.

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Not at all - there are people - like me - that have high quality tech around and can present a good audio - even better than the “quality” in the first redone Native vocielines we got. Also the Inca were terrible. Its not that hard to work in cubase or fruity loops to record voicelines. Pick the best of the best, put them through your own software to change pitch, noice etc and bam. The Italian voicelines in the WoL mod sound better and more polished than the ones we hear in DE - somebody knew what to do with the audio and delivered terrific voiclines. So volontier job is not a bad idea - out of a 100 volontiers - at least 1 will do a decent job. You can see that in mods like TESRenewal that modify the Skyrim game and the voicelines are delivered masterfuly - buy passionate volontiers.