For people who still say people dislike graphics

Company of Heroes, Dow2, Spellforce3, AOE3de.

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I mean, isn’t it almost just any notable RTS game ever released had tried to be visual at least on par with the time, if not for even pushing the boundaries? I played SC1/2, AoE1/2/2DE/3DE, CoH1/2, DoW 1/2/3, Halo Wars 1/2, some Annos and C&C and only AoE4 is in this regard a notable exception.

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A big reason a lot of people don’t play Age of Mythology is outdated graphics. The second reason would be the game servers/ranked skill matchmaking system or lack thereof. Why do you think the ‘de’ versions were so popular? Its mainly the graphics update and the matchmaking system. I’m sure there are many who would love it if AOM were just updated with these two features.

Graphics are also a reason a lot of people like AOE 2. It is set in the medieval time period. That is why AOE4 went back to that time period, that is how important it is. Some people dislike AOE3 because the time period is slightly past medieval! I dont even want to play or watch a game with the Korean civ in AOE2 because I think War Wagons are ugly. I’m telling you graphics are really important to some people. There are even entire threads on forums with titles such as ‘For people who still say people dislike graphics’ with 62 responses. And people make graphic mods for units they don’t like to fix them. Graphics are important to some people, no doubt about it.