French immigrants are very expensive now

french immigrants are very expensive, playing a little with the united states using this card ends up delaying the age increase a lot because it takes 50 more wood it ends up being better to build a market and get the hunting dog update and use irish immigrants or use the card of 15% more hunting collection, it would only compensate this card only if you are lucky to find a wooden treasure at the beginning of the game

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I don’t think it will make much difference because you start with 100 more food, so a litte more time chopping but a little less time hunting.

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eu vendo esses 100 de comida e pego cães de caça

I think it’s best to continue with french immigrants, irish immigrants is good as a second card so you get more villagers but for just 2 villagers it’s not worth it as a first card. using wood on a market and then getting hunting dogs is also not going to be worth it without sending a vill card, hunting dogs will be worth less than a vill for most of age 1. I’d just do as normal and put all vills to wood but now chop 150 instead of just 100, the time lost will be negated by the 100 extra starting food.

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