French naval maps

Does anyone really find the fact that french have hulks avalaible at age 2 fair by any means? How are you suppust to compete if you can only make galleys? It’s absurd.

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Hulks have been nerfed like hell in last patch. You can counter them by staying on your dock or avoid water. Best is to fast castle and french loses their advantage.

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Hulks have been nerfed quite a bit.
Their lower ranged armor means they die faster to arrow ships and towers.
Although french is still very strong on water maps the nerf means they have to play more defensively as each hulk is slow and cost 540 ressources and if they over extend on the opponent dock they will definitely loose them.
I would rather french had galleys instead though but this seems to be the direction the devs intend to go with the civ when it comes to water.