French translation fixes (Turcs civilization)

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD: 101.101.46295.0 6421374
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED


French translations have several issues:

Turk civilization:

  • “Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar +1P armor”
  • “Artillerie (+2 range Bombad Towers, Bombard Cannons, Cannon Galleons)”

French (invalid)

  • “Les cacaliers d’éclairage, cavalerie lĂ©gère et guerriers aigle ont +1 protection perçage”
  • "Artillerie (+2 de portĂ©e pour tour de bombarde, grande bombarde et galion a canon)

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Open the tech tree for Turc civilization

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

guerriers aigle should be replaced by Hussards
grande bombarde should be replaced by canon a bombarde

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.


This Issue is still existing in December 2023. Any try of fixes? It can be really easily done

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The more time passes, the more there are translation problems in French with units and techs having the right to two names depending on where we are going to read their information… PLEASE, Edit this DEVs!

For Skirmisher and Siege Engineers.

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Updating this request

There are translation problems in all languages. And it’s not only ## ## ### ### in III DE too.
If it’s so prevalent, it’s policy

Edit: I can’t remember what I wrote, but I don’t generally curse on public forums

The policy of making the names more correct is a good one, the policy of translating half is just the idleness of the people assigned to this task :slight_smile:

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asking once again for a fix

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asking once again for a fix, as Victors and Vanquished did not change the issue