[French Translation] "Fly Over" Info is not Translated

Game Version:

  • Build (35209.0 4667120)
  • Platform (Steam)


Objectives are not translated.

Reproduction Steps:

Launch 2 mission of campaign “Le Loi”

Game Version:

  • Build (35209.0 4667120)
  • Platform (Steam)


L’info de survol de “Afficher info lors du survol” n’est pas traduit.

Reproduction Steps:

aller au menu Partie puis mettre le curseur sur Afficher info lors du survol

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Hi there! Splitting this off from the main topic so I can follow up. Would you mind letting me know if this issue is still happening as of 36202:

If so, can you please let us know the exact steps our Test Team can take to reproduce the issue?

Thank you for the report! =)


The “Rollover info” is now well translated in french.


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Thanks for the confirmation! :+1: