Full PUP Unit rooster. (What other Unique units would you like to see added?

All Land-based units, I did not include Navy as it is still is technically under rework.
I made this simple unit rooster overview So it’s easy to see who has what and what uniques

Hopefully I didn’t miss anything.

On that note, what more Unique unit’s would you like to see added for the current civs?

Personally would like to see Unique Knight for HRE (Teutonic knight perhaps?)
And a Unique Spearman for the french, (Halberdier)
This would encourage both Civs to break away from their predominantly military style they go for and encourage say, the french to be able to focus on infantry, and HRE on cavalry.

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I am pretty sure that the Halberd is a weapon that was originally developed in both southern Germany and Switzerland, so it would be weird to make a Halberd wielding unit only unique for the French alone.

If you want to give the French an unique polearm unit then I would suggest giving them an infantry unit that uses the Voulge and where they could be called the [Voulgier]. This type of polearm did apparently exist primarily in 15th century France during the medieval ages.

As for other unique units it would be nice if the English got the Saker cannon, since this type of cannon was apparently often used by the English. Another cannon that could be added to the game would be the Kartouwe, which for the time being could be unique for the Holy Roman Empire or shared between them and the Rus. The Kartouwe could also become available for a Dutch and Scandinavian civilisation as well in the future.

Though giving the Holy Roman Empire some kind of unit that uses the Morningstar would be exclusive for them, since even though the weapon came into widespread use around the beginning of the 14th century it seems that it was particularly popular in medieval Germany.

Here is a picture that shows some Kartouwe cannons:


Can I just say?

All those units, and they all look the same. Awful UI.


It’s very pretty.

In fact it can be used as a visual guide to represent future concepts and the list of units, sometimes I can’t decide how many unique units are enough. By looking at the Mongolian unit tree I already have an idea ().

On the other hand, something that I realized is that in military or economic buildings, unique technologies usually put them in the 3rd line, and if there are no spaces they are filled with the ones that are missing, at least that’s the case with the mosque of the Delhi Sultanate:

That being the case, the Chinese archery gallery is unique, because it has 5 unique units, and the 5th space does not allow you to improve the grenadier (the space is already occupied by the Flag key), although it is not necessary since a unit of imperial, therefore it has no improvement. Although in theory, the solution they found was to put the technologies in another window, as happens with the Dock or the Siege Machine Workshop.

You just said that sea battles are likely to present a remork, is that true? Because an idea that was interesting to me was when I played the Tamerlan campaign, “the origin” (A prequel of the Aoe2DE Tamerlan campaign), a unit that they put in one of the last levels was a “pirate boarding ship”, which could literally turn enemy ships into yours. I mean, they made them “Wololo”. And there was already a topic where they suggested it:

Interestingly that concept was also originally among the ideas discarded from Age2 in the Beta, and which were cut at the end of the game.

  • There was a fifth ship line, called Boarding Ships, they functioned as boats that would come up and convert ships, similar to the Monk, it had no range, but an extremely high success rate. The system as expected, still functions.

Yes, I remember, and it should stand somewhere in patchnotes for the first Naval Rework, that this rework was more of a Temporary one untill they figured out a better way to get around it, and they would come back to reworking the navy again.

In the beginning it was a horrible balance mess, which they then “reworked” into basic rock paper scizzors style.
Just so that it would be playable on watermaps without giving some civ’s complete domination. Although still, some civs are a bit broken at water, but that is at least if they make it into the late game, such as the chinese baochuan.

So I guess consider the big patch with 2 new civs was just around the corner, they just wanted to focus on pushing out that content first, while the first rework was more of a “quick-fix” than anything.

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I would put 2 more UU for the HRE:Teutonic Knight (Feudal Age-replaces the MAA) and the Hussite Wagon (Imperial-it’s like the Rebalderquin,it’s strong against infantry and light cavalry but weak against heavy cavalry,mangonels and culebrines)…then you would have 4 UU in the four ages:Prelate (Dark Age),Teutonic Knight (Feudal), Landsknecht (Castles Age) and Hussite Wagon (Imperial Age)…

Yeah, for the French i would change the Royal Knight name to Cuirassier and the Royal Cannon name to Falconet (it’s a nod to AoE 3)…


The Cannon could also be renamed to the [Veuglaire] instead, since it does look a lot like the Veuglaire cannon as well based on the pictures found on Google.

Yeah,could work too…

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Me, seeing they still haven’t rename Sipahi to Deli while adding more unique unit:

  1. Ottoman horse archer

  2. Heavy Horse Archers for most civs that had it.

  3. Chinese horse archer would be amazing, since they also had it.

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chinese horse archer would be great, and also french mousquetaire would be a nice touch at imperial

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