Game capped to 60 frames per second, even outside menus

Nope, I have a 144 Hz monitor and the game caps at 60 FPS with in-game V-sync disabled. I have G-sync enabled though, don’t know if that confuses the game or something. Regardless this should be user configurable rather than enforced by the developers. We know our own hardware better than you.

EDIT: Looking at some newer posts I realize this might be a regression because it worked like described before the latest update.

VSYNC is not helping my late game lag. It stutters and laggs with and without it

I know how to unlock the FPS (at least it worked for me, NVIDIA graphics card).
Step 1, go to your NVidia Control panel. Then, go to 3D settings.
Step 2, click on the tab Program Settings and add Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition to be customized.
Step 3, find the option Vertical Sync and make sure it is set to exclusively “OFF”
Step 4, go into Age of Empires and turn ON V-Sync.

IDK why this works, but this fix stems from another game’s FPS cap “Escape from Tarkov”, in which players have found this sort of workaround to work.

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