Game Crash when sorting list by name

Game Version:

  • Build (101.101.33164.0 4413571)
  • Platform (Steam)


Game crash when sorting by game name, didn’t crash when sorting by other columns

Reproduction Steps:

There are multiple ways to trigger this bug.

  1. Load Game
  2. Goto Multiplayer (opening up on the Lobbies tab)

Then either of the following paths:

A) 1. Refresh list

  1. Sort by Game Name by clicking on the column header ‘Game Name’


B) 1. Click on Spectate Games tab

  1. Refesh list
  2. Sort by Game Name by clicking on the column header ‘Game Name’


C) 1. Click on Spectate Games tab

  1. Go Back to Lobbies
  2. Sort by Game Name by clicking on the column header ‘Game Name’


D) 1. Quickly after Lobbies page opening, Sort by Game Name by clicking on the column header ‘Game Name’

  1. Click on Spectate Games tab
  2. Wait

Opening up the game multiple times after trying out multiple repo-steps caused steam to disconnect and had to restart steam. Initially it seemed that this bug only appeared when going into the Spectate Games tab, but it happened when I was only on the Lobbies tab too.


Still occuring on 101.101.33315.04426672 in both the lobbies tab and the spectate tab.