Game crashes when clicking to imp with a castle

Turns out that removing the mods didn’t fix it. First Multiplayer game and it crashed, although I didn’t click imp… Possibly caused by an opponent clicking imp as we were around the 35-40 min mark.

I have exactly the same issue. I’ve never had crash issues with this game before, but I’ve been absolutely plagued by them for the past couple of weeks. Frequently when clicking imp, or with a castle (or castle foundation) on the screen. I don’t have any non-official mods installed

I apparently cannot upload my dump files, since I’m a new user. Uploaded them to my Google Drive instead. Including files from a crash just a few minutes ago as well as other files from the past few days.

I played 2 2v2’s successfully today but played a 3v3 and crashed around 30 mins. Something strange happened after I dropped, my in game name changed to Roland.

AoE2DESteam-73855-2023.01.11-22.19.29.mdmp (420.5 KB)

Did you have Discord open by any chance?

I did but that isn’t the issue. I resolved it this evening I think…

Turns out that my team mate had mods enabled, I always crashed when he clicked imp. He used to crash too but hasn’t for a few days, even with his mods enabled. Anyway, he disabled his mods this evening and all seems to be ok now.