Game Crashing on Load

Not sure if there are any reports I can provide but the game has crashed on the match loading screen for me twice in 2 days now :frowning:, which is weird because before recently the game has never crashed on me before. I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t for the fact this means I now face a 3 minute ban despite me not having done anything wrong. 3 minutes isn’t too bad but I am worried if this keeps happening I could be facing hours for no fault of my own !

Was this in a teamgame?

A friend of mine crashed twice in a row in teamgames last weekend and that is not usual from him. Althouhh he crashed once the game started

He could play 1v1 without trouble later.

Yer was team games, haven’t crashed in 1v1 yet (though I dont play 1v1 as much these days). Might just be coincidence but in both cases it was my first match of the day

Same as my friend.