Game is a desaster, admit it please

Watch this game and tell me it didn’t have important decisions and memorable moments…

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It didn’t have important decisions,
at 16.33 just check how overpowered the red ships are next to his docks and in open water by 23:20.
The blue player clearly had no chance at all, the balance is broken “as usual” because you don’t have functional countering units.

Also for the “wonder Victory attempt”, the blue player put there so many resources, he had nothing left to maintain an army to defend it. very clearly to see by 29.50 red player had an extreme advantage.

At this state, the game is very forgettable from competitive and E-Sport perspective.

Take a look at an actual competitive and E-Sport RTS

Sure the Siege tank / Medivac in the right hands is powerful,
still with the right anti-air units you can counter it.

That’s why this game SC2 and this game only did stay over all those years so relevant,
because every move has an answer. Every unit has a functional counter unit.


It is a Beta, it has not been released yet and you are looking for memorable moments worthy of an E-Sport.


Honestly, those who didn’t like the beta will hardly like the game in its final version. I suggest you forget about this game and don’t create any more expectations.

I loved the gameplay of the IV (doesn’t mean I don’t get critics!) and I will definitely play it. To watch it’s also excellent, I watched all Drongo’s gameplays. I just don’t know if I’ll buy it at launch, the price doesn’t seem fair to me. On the 28th Amazon will release a new MMO and I will be playing, I believe I will stay focused on it until the end of November, so I am not desperate to play AOE IV again. I hope to buy the game in some promotion.


I remember when I played AOE-2 in a cyber cafe. I had previously played AOE-3 Mobile Version which was how I knew the saga and I loved it. Playing AOE-2 on PC I was fascinated. Then I was able to get AOE-3 for PC and was hooked for life.


To date it is the most realistic and most strategic RTS.


Doesn’t that make this good for the viewer? Make the choice of having a wonder a risk.


I really don’t understand why some people think the competitive scene Is so important when stats said the opposite (most of people don’t play competitive match). Lol.


The game is missing core RTS elements and you talk about a comparison to Age 2? That’s not what this is about. The game is being developed for consoles and lacks so many core elements. Probably because of the console fact. RTS games on a console with a controller is a bad idea and should not exist for a franchises as big as AoE where you have to fulfill certain expectations. The UI is useless and unit selection is beyond stupid, there is no patrol button, there is no balistics mechanics, graphics and music are fine, but all the rest is so far underneath the level of AoE 2, 3 and AoM that it is not even funny. It’s a AAA title with a big name and they give us a game that has not learned anything from all the RTS games out there, makes incomprehensible and unforgivable mistakes and offers nothing new. It should be postponed for at least another year in order to get the love this title deserves.

Don’t get me wrong. The game has its fun sides, but it won’t be eligible for competitive play and thus will quickly become irrelevant and the support will end as well. It is not even close to the level of AoE 2, yet it is the newest game of the franchise. It is pathetic tbh. AoE 2 offers better mechanics, has a wider array of tactics, is a real RTS game and actually has gameplay that goes beyond a-clicking. AoE 4 is so many steps back as of yet and not a successor but a franchised niche title that is by no means what it wants or was supposed to be. They need to do so much in order to make this game a success, but it does not look like they will. Not at all.

It will be a fun game, but while you play it you will always think of AoE 2 and how it does so many things so much better. It’s not about AoE 4 not being another AoE 2. It is about the fact that the quality AoE 2 has is missing in AoE 4 by such a huge margin that I feel sorry for the franchise and the decision making that led to this result.

The state AoE 4 is in right now, none of the AoE 2 Pro Gamers will consider to be acceptable. They will try it and go back to AoE 2, because they really have no choice. AoE 4 will not be played competitively to any relevant extent. And that will kill the game slowly but steadily and its downfall will already start shortly after release. Unless the devs put in an insane amount of work and fix the many unforgivable deficits this game has.

@jimmy19846071 The competitiveness is paramount for the relevance of the game. Especially since streaming has become as big as it is right now. No one will care for this game after a while and thus the support will diminish. And the lack of competitiveness is not the biggest issue. The lack of gameplay mechanics and unit ordering and selecting is unforgivable and makes this game a pain to play. It is so wonky and annoying in so many aspects, you might think it’d be the first RTS ever with no expertise or experience at all to learn from. And that is actually pathetic.


Don’t really see a reason for casual players to stay with AoE4 for long tbh.
probably gonna get bored pretty fast unless there are gonna be more different gamemodes and so on besides SP and the normal MP.


In my opinion both have their impact, what keeps the game alive for years it is probably the competitiveness of the game and the community built around it and consequently the visibility of the game on the media. With the visibility comes more buyers and therefore $$$ for the company… but you cant disregard that certainly the most buyers in the beginning are casual players (franchise players, people lured by the marketing, people attracted by platforms like Youtube, Twitch… and people following trending games on Steam) , these people have impact on the review and thus on the game reputation, and since they are the most numbers on the release, this makes them the most money that arrives in short term for the company too, so I feel they need to have their piece of the pie as well.

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The lack of core RTS elements is not giving casuals their pie imo. It’s just a terrible design choice by the devs that hopefully gets fixed as good as it is possible in the short amount of time that is left.


I personally like to play competitive ( ranked) but only after spending at lest 50 hours on campaign, skirmish and with friends 2v2 -3v3 so single player content is very important for me

it’s subjective but i share your concerns.

Competitives enjoy a fun, well crafted, with attention to detail game too. I notice sometimes features or general game aspects being raised as of sole interest for competitives or as of sole interest for casuals. These two do not have to be mutually exclusive.

@Jaysus04 Some competitives keep saying that this game is not good for competitives while casuals say that that the game speaks too much to competitives but not to them. :man_shrugging: What is it in the end? If the main concern is basic functionalities like hotkeys customization or global queue, they sound quite easy on paper to be added and should be expected I guess to come very shortly after launch if not on it. Would that be enough to change your mind?
Those who dislike things that are already deeply weaved into the game’s fabric like the asymmetry and civ design have it worse.

I cannot admit to this, sorry :smiley: It has room for improvement, but is far from a disaster, imo. It seems pretty close to being quite enjoyable, but definitely has some things I wish were different and would probably bother me every game if they’re not fixed. (For me, they are probably relatively simple things to fix (cam zoom, UI icons, loud & overly chatty villagers, pop limit).)

That might be good to do, to give it a bit more polish… if they can risk the investment before being able to make sales. I bet having 1.5 yrs of the development during COVID didn’t help things, though, which they couldn’t control.

There was an AoE4 Community Council that was meant to be a voice for the community. I assume they’ve been listening to them and leveraging their feedback for quite a long time; otherwise, why would they have put one together? I don’t know how camera zoom and UI icons weren’t seen as a potential pretty big red flags until fairly recently, though

Either way, there’s still more time. I hear MS Flight Simulator had some nice surprises upon release that weren’t expected based on past builds; the same could be done for AoE4


I thought that as well but the more I look at AoE2s playercounts the less I believe that.
24 hour peak is 23’600 players with 11’000 1v1 ranked. This doesn’t count team games So to say “most” people don’t play is kind of a stretch, even if most don’t play it is just barely

Even if the competitive players are in the minority - that argument still is invalid. The very minority of the competitive scene is what kept this game alive for so long and brought the game to where it is now.

This is not an AoE only thing. Games like League Legends and Dota have tens of millions of players in the casual matchmaking ELO - what keeps the game alive are the folks who purchase skins + the hundreds of millions of $$$ coming from private corporations sponsoring teams, players, and the competitive scene. Through those venues, the game is accessible for everyone to enjoy, including casual players.

AoE2: DE wouldn’t have happened if Voobly and AoEZone didn’t exist for years, the Forgotten unofficial patch wasn’t released, to then prompt AoE2HD, to then prompt AoE DE and THEN finally AoE2DE and THEN AoE4.

No competitive scene = no prospering multiplayer game. It’s really that simple. We would be stuck with AoC had it not been for all of the aforementioned.


E3 2022 to be released in October 2022,celebrating the 20th anniversary of the original game…

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man that would be epic and has sense, Adam already said hes a fan of AoM and they have the game build so everything calls for AoM 2…