Game Speed = Archaic

I disagree that the game speed HAS to be played the same as competitive. That’s BS. Most of your players in ranked are casual gamers and nowhere close to pros. In Voobly and Steam you could pick the speed or settings of any ranked game you like. Shouldn’t be any different with the new game. Best way to lose players for a game? Make the game have fixed settings like it does now. There’s a reason not everyone transitioned over to this game so far.

Finally, in the current state of unranked, myself and others from Steam have no choice but to play in ranked matches. With that said, I shouldn’t be forced to have to play pro settings when I’m a casual player. A good development group should make a game to appease everyone and not just the pros. If you want to play pro competitive settings that’s fine, but not everyone does nor should have to.


If you can’t play with competitive settings, then just don’t play ranked. It’s simple as that.
Ranked systems are supposed to evaluate a player’s skills based on his performance during a standard match, if everyone plays on different settings then it becomes impossible to evaluate, and the ranked system becomes useless. As you said yourself

If this makes such a difference then how do you expect to evaluate players as if they’re playing the same game when in reality they’re not? It’s like saying that a Warcraft 3 player is much better than a Starcraft 2 player. It’s completely unfair because it’s impossible to compare player skills when they’re playing different games. It’s the same for AoE2, you can’t compare a player that plays with the standard settings against someone who’s always playing turbo mode with infinite resources, it’s just not the same thing.
I never played ranked on voobly, but i know for a fact voobly keeps tracks of elo for multiple settings.
There’s no problem playing on different settings if the system is keeping track of them differently.

Also I can’t see why at all you can’t play unranked, I myself managed to play a casual game the other day, there’s no reason why you can’t play it. Yes, the game should appease both pros and casuals, this is why unranked exists.

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I played ranked matches on Steam and the game speed was 1.5. I should be able to play ranked matches at 1.5 speed with the new game as well simple as that. The unranked lobby is unplayable at this point don’t feed more BS into your posts. You can’t even see what ratings people are in unranked currently which makes it broken for balance purposes. Not to mention those games will lag more because you don’t know what the latency is either for the players in the lobby.

I can play 1.7 speed but I prefer 1.5 because that’s what I enjoy. The Voobly try hards, such as yourself, have to have everything exactly the same because that’s what the pros play. I play Call of Duty as well and I don’t need to play the way the pros do. Nor does the game force me too like this one does currently. The current ranked system is broken with how it’s setup right now. Even the maps are garbage too most of them. The ranked system is an unfinished product at this point. I don’t need to say anything else on this matter. Peace out.

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I’m just stating fact, something you don’t seem to get.

This is exactly why it’s called unranked tho? Unranked games are supposed to be played just for fun so balance isn’t the focus of it (thus why there are many people playing with crazy mods like triple tech and yes, it breaks the game but it’s meant to be FUN). Also people with bad internet also deserve to be able to play games.

First I’m not a voobly try hard, I hardly ever play multiplayer to begin with, but I follow the competitive scene a lot throught t90official so I understand how stuff works.
Second, every kind of competitive game needs to have a set of rules, you can’t just participate into a bike race using a motorized bike just because you feel comfortable using it while everyone else’s using a normal bike, that’s just unfair.

It’s not “play the way the pros do”, it’s play in the same settings, and in fact you are playing in the same settings, there aren’t settings in it that completely change the way the game’s played, unlike in AoE2. In CoD you can’t just make the game run half the speed or double the speed (unless u use some sort of hack)

The one thing I get tho is that you’re looking for a feature that I don’t even know if it can be made. I feel like the proper solution to it would be adding a sort of “unranked match making” where you’d be able to play against players from the same level while still being able to customize the settings to something you’re comfortable with. The issue with that is “how to even get other players to play in the exact same setting”, there are way too many variety of settings for people to choose from and not many players to play it currently, being able to finding someone at the same level who wants to play in the same settings as you and is also looking for a game at the same time you are would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
I agree that the current ranked system from DE is broken (for other reasons, tho maps are one of them), but there just isn’t a proper solution to what you want, at least currently. They can’t transform ranked into casual play, so the lobbys should be the way to go for casual players, if it isn’t working for you then the only option is to either keep trying or get friends that play at the same level to play with you, or maybe even do something similar to what t90 does with his FFA community games, there were matches where even pro players ended up losing to low grade players (some rare times t90 got one or 2 pros playing on the games), and I feel like everyone had fun playing and watching those games.

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I’ve seen a few games or matchmaking services that show the amount of players in each queue. Maybe that’s something that could be considered eventually. That way the masses can actually participate in supporting what you are saying. I feel like only 7.5% of player would actually play fast random map games but it’d still be something.

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What do you mean “real life pace”? You think that in real life, people build castles in 30 seconds and battles are finished in a matter of minutes? The only reason the normal speed feels strange to you is because you’re used to fast. If it was “realistic” each game would take years to complete, like a real war.