Game's UI no longer showing since latest update

Hey I even reinstalled the game but the issue persists. All menu and UI items have disappeared.

The buttons are still there and by blind clicking I managed to launch a random Arena of the Gods mission, but the issue isn’t just the main menu

Please help me revert the patch. I am on steam with w11


I’m on windows 10, having the same issue. Unable to play at all.

Hi @oCoxie.

As mentioned in another post, the best thing to do after experiencing something like this, is to contact Support with your DxDiag and any other relevant files you can provide.

I also have the same error.

Same issue for me on W10. My in-game UI also looks the same as the one in this post:

The issue arose a few hours after the patch when I quit the game whilst in a quick match lobby. Reopening the game resulted in this issue present.

Theres a temporary fix on aoe discord Age of Empires
Check aom tech issues section

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Someone on Discord found the fix for the invisble menu’s that has been blocking some of us from playing.
Go to:
C:\Users~~Gebruiker~~\Games\Age of Mythology Retold~~76561198143627293~~\users

(you have to replace the striked through lines with your own name and Steam number)

Then open the UserProfile.xml

r/AgeofMythology - INVISIBLE MENU FIX!!!!

And change the number in this line of code (I set the number to 1, played a game and it got set to 9)


Was just about to post the very same thing here, then saw it posted by you! Liked it for visibility. I hope the issue can be fully resolved for affected players.

Leeeeeeeeeegend, thanks for reposting the fix for us all XD
Game now works for me ! Shout out to the discord user that solved this

I also encountered this issue on Linux with Steam, however there was no UserProfile.xml file under the game settings, but a DefaultProfile.xml, and in there, there was no lastselectedciv field.

What did work for me is, in the DefaultProfile.xml settings (if installed with snap, that path should be $HOME/snap/steam/common/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Age of Mythology Retold/game/config/DefaultProfile.xml), to set the following 4 settings to the values shown below

<Setting Name="OptionMinimizedUI">true</Setting>
<Setting Name="OptionShowChatNotifications">false</Setting>
<Setting Name="OptionAotgSeasonSplashSeen">false</Setting>
<Setting Name="OptionSeenModsToS">true</Setting>

After the change above the game greeted me with the spash screen asking me to set the resolution and follow the first tutorial, and after that the UI did have the missing buttons :tada:

I can’t tell with 100% certainty which of the above setting actually made the difference, but I would imagine it’s either the OptionAotgSeasonSplashSeen or the OptionSeenModsToS

Hope this helps.

This happens to me every time my last selected civ is egyptians. It doesn’t happen with any other pantheon.

For me it sometimes happens with Norse. It also happens with Atlanteans.

Only greek are safe.
When I go Atlanteans, god Portrets and Arena of the Gods symbols also disappear after quitting the game.

Please developpers, fix this quick. Just do a hotfix where the last picked civ will always be greek. It’s too annoying to have to manually set some value to 1, then reboot the game.

If you are using Linux and want to apply the workaround you can easily find userprofile.xml with a sudo find / -type f -name "userprofile.xml" command in your terminal. Edit it with your preferred editor according to the information above and save it. Restart the game.

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