Gamestar: Is AOE4 Dying?

When you release a game 50% done…well this is what you get
Aoe3 is a 100% better game and a better RTS by far.
This games a joke


Edit: Oh and about AOE3
please check the link:

So AOE3 is a failure, which means it is out of the discussion.
Now we have AOE 1 and 2. (AOM) is a different one.
Out of AOE these two, only AOE2 succeeded. AOE2 is the identity of AOE!
If not, prove me wrong?
Or you are just a pretender who would spread false information in this forum.
Just prove me wrong!


Fue un error, debido a que no esperaron que los fans del 2 fueran tan rancios como para criticar todo del 3 sin siquiera darle una verdadera oportunidad, dijo eso nada mas para contentar a los fanáticos extremos, deja de hablar de la esencia del aoe, esa misma esencia fue la que lo mantuvo enterrado durante mucho tiempo, los juegos deben avanzar e inventar cosas nuevas, no debemos permitir que a la saga le ocurra un call of duty


The most successful game isn’t the one that gets to call itself the identity.

I enjoy AoE3 a lot more than AoE2.

But, that’s my preference.

You have a preference, and that’s all that AoE2 is - your preference.

It doesn’t mean that all future games should be like AoE2. All games should be different.

Anyway, I’ve heard enough talk from you. Too bad you waited a billion years for another AoE2 but didn’t get it. It kinda serves you right.


Actually AoE 3 was not a failure. It made a lot of money when you it came out and garnered a number of awards. Just because you happen to like aoe 2 the best does not mean that it is the identity of the series or the best game. Your opinions are not facts


No one here has proven that aoe2 isn’t the identity of the series tho.


identity is what all games in the franchise share in common, all have tcs, all have villager based eco, all have eco, millitary upgrades, etc.
All have land and naval combat, multiple win conditions, random map generation and so on, thats the identity of age of empires as a whole


LOL, at this point just accept your defeat and admit that AOE4 is a failure.


Nope…the defeat is yours.

Despite how much you try to sell your AoE2 supremacy, nobody gives a s***t.


@DiplexBoss6 maybe he is a very fanboy of age2, just ignore the toxicity. they are just feeling insecure… how can the game die…?look at the massive public update preview for march it is incredible.


Lol, these aoe2 fanboys are hilarious. Must be cool living in that bubble.


Yeah im perfectly okay with fanboys.

Until they start claiming that their fanthing is the best.

I am an AoE3 fanboy myself and as much as I have spoken against AoE4 in the past, i think it will grow to be a good game.

That doesnt mean I act like what i like is the best thing out there.


simple answer to op question: yes it is. aoe 4 is dying very fast. just look on the player base number in steam.


And what if they were wrong? At least they did not decide to stay safe and decided to take a risk, it went more goodly or badly on the move, it is debatable, but that is what it is about evolving a saga…imagine that ensemble studios had decided to stay with aoe 1 to play it safe and that aoe 2 would have been a copy of 1, the age of kings would not be played by anyone today…well that’s what Relic did with aoe 4 appealing precisely to the players of aoe 2 and players of more modern rts…at least Ensemble Studios took a chance with AoE 3,Relic not even that…


Everybody are saying what they prefer, so i can also say my thoughts too! Well my prefer Aoe is 4, follewed by the first, then 2, aoe Online, AoM and at last aoe3! The third is the worst i ever i play in relation with others aoe, at launch was a disaster far more worse than aoe4!
People have no memory and they compare titles that have 15 20 years of development and cleanliness with a title released 5 months ago in a state certainly not excellent, but not even as bad as you want to draw it. The rts community is small, we should collaborate and be proactive with each other, at this rate the user will shrink more and more. A new user who arrives here pushed by the francise and reads what is written will probably run away. And no, I don’t think he’s going to try the older aoe titles, they are far less accessible and graphically they have done their time and are no longer visually appealing speaking.
The numbers are inclement, the rts base is small, why make war on each other? to get what? if aoe 4 fails there will certainly not be another age of empires for years and years and other developers will think many times whether to make an rts aoe style or make elder ring clone, fortnite clone etc … and the rts community will get smaller and smaller


Of course, in fact we are a large community of aoe divided into 6 games…we all like the aoe, which matters which aoe we like the most…

People love to be “the guy” that predicts the downfall.
Aoe 3 fans especially will never stop bringing up their game despite it definitely being tinier than Aoe IV (by around 7x)

Get that elitist attitude out of here. Starcraft and Warcraft are RTS giants and any attempt to belittle them just comes off as desperate. You are so utterly desperate to make yourself seem better than them its hilarious.


But clearly after going through these forums you’d think arrow dodging is Aoe’s identity :stuck_out_tongue:

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my pov: i want projectile mechanics to allow some dodging micro, like aoe2 arrows or aoe3 cannons, so 4 is certainly annoying in this regard, but i wouldn’t count that as an identity level thing

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PS: important note, i count moving just out of units range as dodging, 4 fails this one miserably with no range limit on projectiles that were already fired