Getting the Error : "Retrieve published item failed" on Game LAunch

Any idea whats causing this , i cant host any games since all the maps show unsubscribed

I also get this error when the game launched and when I searching for mods. With this error, all the mods I have downloaded cannot update. Are there any solutions?

Found some errors with code in wanings.log, I don’t know if they will help.

(E) [21:57:59.770] [000025420]: MyModsQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [21:58:00.130] [000025420]: RetrieveSubscribedQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(I) [21:58:00.480] [000007152]: WebSocketConnection::OnConnect; m_resumeState=0
(I) [21:58:00.480] [000007152]: WebSocketConnection::Process: Sending session token; clientLibVersion=184 sessionToken=lxsvaqe0htij7vz28ixb19vd42sthd
(E) [21:58:00.493] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:19.565] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:21.039] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:22.426] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:22.819] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:24.264] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:25.698] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 
(E) [22:42:27.168] [000025420]: SearchQueryAsync - response was failure: -48 

Just started getting this today. Have to end task to get out of AOE4 when I went into a custom game. Did you ever resolve or do they keep breaking the game with hotfix updates?