Good features from AOE3 that could be fun if implemented:

  1. Explorer / treasure hunting in the first age. Gives people something to do in the first age and makes strategies more dynamic rather than following a set build order every single time like AOE1/2. Also gives more chance to differentiate the civilizations.

  2. Have more different play styles for different civs. This is something AOE3 did so well.

  3. UI streamlining and gameplay simplifications like no lumber mill/mining camps, and group production of units.

A few things.
First off:

@SucculentOcean said:

  1. Explorer / treasure hunting in the first age. Gives people something to do in the first age and makes strategies more dynamic rather than following a set build order every single time like AOE1/2. Also gives more chance to differentiate the civilizations.
    No way. Just way to different from the original. Also this is a definitive edition, not a new game.
    @SucculentOcean said:
  2. Have more different play styles for different civs. This is something AOE3 did so well.
    If you mean a more adaptive AI, I’m all for it.
    @SucculentOcean said:
  3. UI streamlining and gameplay simplifications like no lumber mill/mining camps, and group production of units.
    I think you’re thinking of AOE 2 with the lumber mills and mining camps. The devs have already talked about polishing up the UI, so that’s almost certainly happening. And group production of units? I’m not quite sure what that means.

Anyway, just my thoughts. See you all in game! :wink:

yes to 2, and yes to group unit production.

i dont think simplifications like no lumber mill/mining camps is good idea. it will be plain like halo wars 2.

  1. There is no treause in the stone age just mother nature.
  2. I’m not sure what this means but the AI prefers different units to produce with different civilizations
  3. I like the storage pit we had and don’t want to lose it.
    If group production means the AoE3 mechanism then it is something a definitely don’t want to see in AoE:DE