Goth change after update

LLamas are domestic animals. Wild boars are not. You can give Goths a free cow at the start if it pleases you but certainly not a wild boar.

And pigs were originally Boar, taht became domesticated. Not only that, but chasing Boar to both hunt for meat and as a ā€œcoming of ageā€ ritual was practiced by many germanic tribes, including the Goths.

A free Cow would just be the same thing as a free Llama. An extra Boar you would still have to kill.

Yes, pigs were once boars and were domesticated. Around 4.000-6.000 years ago during Tool Age. The medieval boars have not much in common with regular pigs at all anymore, except for their heritageā€¦

This mechanic works for AoE 1 civs but certainly not for medieval context.

hf reading

Pigs ( Sus scrofa ) were first domesticated between 8,500 and 8,000 cal BC in the Near East, from where they were subsequently brought into Europe by agriculturalists. Soon after the arrival of the first domestic pigs in northern Europe (~4500 BC), farmers are thought to have started to incorporate local wild boars into their swine herds. This husbandry strategy ultimately resulted in the domestication of European wild boars. Here, we set out to provide a more precise geographic and temporal framework of the early management of suid populations in northern Europe, drawing upon mitochondrial DNA haplotype data from 116 Neolithic Sus specimens. We developed a quantitative mathematical model tracing the haplotypes of the domestic pigs back to their most likely geographic origin. Our modelling results suggest that, between 5000 and 4000 BC, almost all matrilines in the north originated from domesticated animals from the south of central Europe. In the following period (4000ā€“3000 BC), an estimated 78ā€“100% of domesticates in the north were of northern matrilineal origin, largely from local wild boars. These findings point towards a dramatic change in suid management strategies taking place throughout south-central and northern Europe after 4000 BC.

Goths are an early civ, so the exception could be made. They already lack Platemail Armour for historical reasons (not balance, as they are awful without it).

So Goth Dark age is timed like around 6.000 BC now all of a sudden? Opposed to rougly 6.000 years later by the end of Rome around 300-500 AD?

Hmm must have missed the Clubman, Axemen and slingers from AoE 1 in their barracks thenā€¦

Now serious talk: the domestication process of boars -> pigs was completely done several THOUSAND years before the Goths or even the Romans or other medieval civs existed. Wild boars in the middle ages never were ā€œdomesticatedā€, only ever hunted.

And huntables are not spawned for players, they belong to the map generation exclusively.

Axeman with Poleaxeman Imp upgrade, should have been the Western European Regional Unit.

Published the stuff on the modhub. For some reason the updated descriptions donā€™t work ingame (at least at the moment). Iā€™ll try to fix that. Until then the changelog shown is active.
You can subscribe/unsubscribe and play the mod with the custom data set ā€œAuthentic Goth Armyā€.

So do incas with their lama. Well, it spawns inside the tcā€™s area but probably the boar starting in the middle of tc would be somewhat op lol.

However, from the scripting point of view, this might be harder to accomplish I bet. And especially on nomad. It should spawn in the middle of TC but then again, boar in TC is just too much lol. And a boar in any case is a lot of food to be frank (no pun intended). Not a really good idea in the end.

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A Llama is a herdable. Incas herded Llamas since ancient times, so itā€™s fine they start with one. But a wild boar =/= house pig. Theyā€™re not even similar.
Boars were (and actually still are) among the most dangerous animals.

It makes zero sense to have a wild animal spawned next to your base. Neither from historical, nor from gameplay point of view.

Historical doesnā€™t need to make sense here, gameplay only matters. But as I already stated, not a good idea cause too strong.

However if it wasnā€™t too strong (ie. boar was less efficient than what it is), then the idea in itself could be usable.

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Nope, and Iā€™m sure the devs will tell you the same because itā€™s completely against the design principles of the game.
You can do that kind of bonus in AoE 1 during Stone Age, but on in a game that plays in medieval time.
edit, also just as a reminder I published the data mod on the workshop.

When trying to open the tech tree with your data mod on, it immediately made the game crash to desktop.

I think the crash has to do with the changed descriptions. The MS modding workshop does not take the descriptions I included for english/german translation over and I donā€™t know why yet. but the game itself works.

Edit you can prevent the crash from happening if you pick a different civ, then select the techtree and then switch to Goths.

I recreated the mod with the DE Genie editor, it works now properly.

btw why Chevalier and not Cavalier?

Is the english name Cavalier? German translation call it Chevalier. Thought it would be the sameā€¦ Will change it.

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I ask everyone to try this mod for Goths:

It helps a lot. Basically reverts to the February patch, but makes your initial TC give you +10 pop, which allows you to get Food much faster (no need to build 2 Houses), and the Wood savings consistently allow me to go Archer Rush in Feudal, with 2 extra Archers.

Also grants Goths the free Arson and +1 building damage all ready and operational in the Castle Age (no need to wait for Imp), and adds Plate Barding for good measure, which comes in handy in Late Imp or Team Games.

Makes Goths not OP, but fun to rush with again.

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Thanks for the mod review.

I have always wanted the extra population from the beggining, but i didnt consider the archer rush potential. It sounds interesting.

Hope developers notice it.

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You still will have bad Archers in Castle, but since you can get to Feudal very fast (all 3 starting Vills go directly to Sheep, no need to build Houses), you can get more Archers than the other guy, and faster.

I have managed to Age Up with as little as 16 Vills, if I manage to take Deer or there is nearby Fish. Only had to build one House.

Others have pointed out that this version of Goths can actually Dock straight out of the gate, and that can be very helpful in getting a lot of Food in Water maps, but I have not tried it out.

How would mayans perform against this mod goths?

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