Goth change after update

Same as always, actually, but lategame is less awkward for Goths, and now Goths can also rush in Feudal, to keep Mayans from Booming eternally.

They still do poorly against Goths if they go too heavily on Archers, but lategame Arbs + El Dorado Eagles still hurts a lot, just that now you have FU Hussars to punish the Arbs and chase down the Eagles a bit.

Once again, I already told you over at steam that the Goths do +3 building damage in Castle Age in regular DE because Feudal Age gives them +2 damage, and each Age after that +1.
I might also point out that allowing Goths to survive Feudal and get to Imp consistently puts them onto the cancer tier level because their spam is oppressive as fk and overall no fun to play against. Giving them even more techs lategame does not solve anything except for making this even more cancerous.

I still stand by the fact that this will not help to make Goths a serious choice. Instead they’ll be used to meme spam stomp players in lower level ranked games.
The approach from my redesign is way more healthy for the game.

I am sorry, but I do not agree, nor would I want to open up the redesign flood gate.
If Goths get redesigned, then Saracens will have to get redesigned, then Indians, then Burmese

It will never end.

Neither Indians, nor Saracens or Burmese are rated worst tier civs. Not by far. Indians are good allrounders, just like Saracens. Burmese are lacking in some areas but have a lot of potential with a couple of minor tweaks. All of these civs do not become oppressive lategame and are pretty stable once they reach later stages of the game.

Nevertheless, if you have to redesign one, you have to do them all.

So, nope. Not at all necessary, as they’re completely fine gameplay wise. Unless you’re referring to fix civs from being historically inaccurate? That might be reasonable, but it’s harder to do than for Goths. Sometimes I think it would have been better if AoE just ended up with fewer civs that differed more from each other than dozens of small civs that do mostly the same.

You cannot do this, plenty of civs are already anachronistic. Mesos even have Blacksmiths, and Incas have Markets.

You have non-european civs with Platemail and Paladins too.

Also as an additional sidenote:

The difference between fixing a flawed design and balancing:

  • If you have a house that has a working roof, intact windows and a stable foundation, you can go ahead and paint the walls, repair a toilet or install some new wires
    → this is actual balancing a working design. House = working civ, and stats changes are paint, wires etc.
  • if the house has no working roof, walls with holes inside and no wastewater pipes you can paint the walls and repair toilets as much as you want, it will still rain onto your head and you’ll not get the shit out of your bathroom.
    → this resembles a non working design that needs to be reworked to function as intended

Meso Civs also had metalworking. It might have been different than the european metalworking, but it still existed. Of course the game abstracts certain game mechanics, just like the building mechanic or siege driving around without operators. But the historical references are still there.

Meso civilizations had no military metalurgy, they used Onyx, Jade, Silex and Obsidian. All their Armour was padded or woven reeds and treated bark, with only a few priest-warriors having heavy and cumbersome jade gorgets and headwear.

They also should lack wheelbarrows and handcarts (they use sleighs), Siege other than Rams, Crossbows, Thumb Rings, War Galleys, and several otehr units and techs.

The game would be a mess, taht is why it is not historically accurate. It is a game, not a simulation.

Play Medieval Total War as the Aztecs, and see how much it actually sucks when games try to be closer to reality.

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Actually in South America (so not “meso”) there was military metal working among the tribes the Incas conquered. But of course nothing like what the AoE2 tech names suggest.

Well, not even AoE2 rams since as far as I know they wouldn’t have any kind of roof right?

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Also crossbows reloading under 2 seconds, faster than the longbows in the game 11. That’s got to be the most outrageous inaccuracy in the game. Why’d a thumb ring affect a crossbow or chukonu in the first place

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The actual outrage is that Spanish don’t have crossbows at all! I will never forget the beginning of Boiling Lake 11


I really wonder why specifically spanish and not teutons or some other non archery civ. Is there a balance reason I’m failing to see?

I guess it’s because either the blacksmith bonus would make it too easy to get fletching and the likes or the conq was such a strong ranged unit the civ didn’t need more.