Goths r broken

This is what the stats say:
At 1650+ ELO, Goths have a 58,82% winrate

the point he was making is that despite the buff, the goths winrate has fallen 3% since the last patch.
played only 68 times too btw. not a lot to go on there.


I understand, and the stats also say they are strongest in the Castle Age and early Imperial, like I always said too.

A lot of people were wrong, but numbers are numbers. If they change, then my opinion will change.

Goths are crazy strong on open maps, and have a brutal Drush. That is what the stats show.

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Goths is limited by the infantry theme, that make its strategies too less and too insane.
Either the Goths or the rival of Goths will be really really hard to struggle once behind, especially in 1v1.
You know people do not like a civ which is feast or famine.
Goths may not be broken but people feel bad, that is also a problem.

So i played as Goths. The result? It was great. I killed 35 units (mostly his army) wiithout losing a single unit. Best K/D ratio ever. Goths must be OP. No Daut.