Graphic Glitch and Crashes

Im not a native engl. speaker so sorry.

I got a graphic glitch. The colors of my siegeunits and the stripes on the walls which indicate the playercolor flashes between the playercolor and black. there is no real frequence its just random. here is what i did to solve the problem so far:

-A clean reinstall of the latest Nvidia drivers.
-Deactivated my CPU OC
-Tryed to update my Windows (but i get a Error 0x8007000d)
-Try to use steam to repair the game

My specs: Asus Z370-F Gaming, 8700k stock, 2080 super and 16 GB Ram, oh ye and Windows 10 Pro

I cannot do more… Its really annoying… pls help

now my game chrashes too…


The game is misconfigured …
I have an i5 11,600 RTX 3060 12GB VRAM and 32 RAM and the game won’t let me down to the highest detail. I won’t put the animation on Hight

  1. aoe prints1 - YouTube

  2. aoe colors2 - YouTube


Exactly what im getting. Thx alot for sharing !

Hey all! If anyone experiencing this could contact support here with a summation of the issue and your DxDiag, it would be tremendously helpful.


Its German but here it is:

DxDiag.txt (101.5 KB)

Thank you so much @BL4ZEGer!

Still not fixed ! Pls its really annoying i saw that issue also while some streamers play the game.