Hi @SaladEsc
What’s your GPU?
My GPU is an Nvidia RTX 4070 ti
@SaladEsc is your driver up to date? If so, Try verifying integrity of game files in Steam.
Hello, this happened to me as well! I restarted the game and it was back to normal. In my case, there was a definite freeze (lag spike?) in the game and suddenly all graphics became black
Hi @SaladEsc ,
Are you still having this issue? What’s your OS? Any overlays were active when you got the issue (discord, rivatuner, nvidia…)?
Hello same issue : Windows 10 , Gtx 770 last drivers installed.there is a screenshot.
Thanks to resolve it its very frustrating glhf
Hello same issue : Windows 10 , Gtx 1080ti last drivers installed
Same issue, second day in a row, mid game, gpu reaching 85 degrees, brief freeze and then black boxes allover units

same issue. tons of players playing this game but it feels like nobody manages the problems …