Things that need improvements :
→ Animations (fighting , riding , shooting bows , burning etc …)
→ Art style (move from cartoon to realistic as much as possible)
→ Add more physics to the game
→ Textures (it’s 2021 most PC’s have at least an GTX 1050/1060 playing at 1920x1080)
Things that are good or great :
→ Archers on top of walls
→ Building spike traps to block frontal charges
→ Unit charges
→ Hiding mechanics
→ Kept a traditional way of playing AOE 4 (ages , upgrades etc…)
→ You can build walls
→ Addition of naval battles
→ 3D environment (mountains , valleys etc …)
→ An okay amount of civs for such a diverse playstyle on any of them
I am also curious about your opinions and in that scope I hope we can each enumerate the things that are bad about the game and needs changing and the things that are good. For this purpose i will start :
More of my personal opinion (sorry for the un diplomatic way of writing a post) :
I think we can all agree that graphics are important in any game , and most importantly that AOE 4 needs improving in this area .
Animations look bad (haven’t they heard about motion capture…) like horse riding , fighting . The art style is too cartoonish (Ex: arrows look like toothpicks, units are oversized compared to buildings , Swords and lances like matchsticks etc…) and the color palette is too vivid and bright for a game that is supposed to mimic medieval times.
It’s not all bad related to the game , the features they added are great ( archers on top of walls , units hiding in woods , units can charge etc…) but as the title of my post says (gameplay is there to keep the players captivated and intrigued but if the graphics engine is bad there won’t be so many players too keep the game alive).
We have all waited for so long for this game and I haven’t completely lost hope they can change things up. I would gladly agree to postpone the game to Q1 2022 if major changes can be applied.