Guides and Ressources for RMS

Hello everyone
I love to create random map scripts for AoE2 and because i love Age of Mythology i wanted to learn more about creating random map scripts for AoM: Retold. Of course retold is fresh off the table and so i couldn’t find ressources or guides that help me learning how it works in retold. So i thought it would be nice to have a place to collect and share sources, guides for that in the future. If there’s already some magic place where people meet in the internet for exactly that purpose please tell me because i couldn’t find anything about rms for retold and scrolling through the files showed me that there is a lot to learn :smiley:

Have a nice day and thank you for any future informations :slight_smile:

There is no real tutorial yet. However thankfully the devs made the choice of releasing an almost complete documentary. Look for the doxygen_retail.7z
in your root aom retold folder.
You can extract it somewhere and just run the index.html with the browser of your choice and you will be able to navigate the libraries of most functions and their parameters.


Ah okay, that sounds useful. I will look into it. Thank you :slight_smile:

I’d like to add, all the random map scripts from AoMR are available in plain text, just like AI scripts and reusable libraries. you can have a peek in there to check out some of the syntax and combine that reading up on the function definitions from doxygen_retail.7z to have a better understanding of what they are doing. Most of all, experiment! There are currently no good guides just yet, but as people are learning, there will be guides out soon!

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I filtered mods by random map, downloaded one, made a local copy, renamed the files and folders and restarted the game, you can then test the map generation by clicking new map in the editor and selecting your new local mod. If you edit the xs file and save, each generation uses the new script, no need ro restart the game between tests.

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I wrote a bit of a guide to get you started: AoMR Random Map Scripting. This is an introduction to writing… | by Liam Appelbe | Sep, 2024 | Medium

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This is awesome Tiusic. Thank you very much :slight_smile:
I will look into it this weekend.

Okay, i’ve checked out the starting guide from tiusic and it was very helpful to get started. Big thanks for this pioneering work in the name of everyone who wants to start rms for retold. Next step we could need are some indepth explainations like which number does what etc. and some sort of library/list for textures, objects and stuff.

I have plenty of fun already figuring things out at this point.
Again, thank you tiusic for your starter guide :slight_smile:
Have a nice week everyone

There’s some documentation available for the APIs, and I explain how to access it in the guide (the bit about doxygen_retail.7z). But it’s true that most of the functions only have a brief explanation of what they do, and the parameters are undocumented. If you’re trying to figure out the details of a particular function, comment out as much of your script as possible, leaving only that function (and the stuff it depends on), then adjust one param at a time and see what happens. You can usually figure it out.

Documenting all that is too much for one person to try to do, but maybe the modding community could start a wiki for this?

As for lists of objects/textures etc, someone on reddit told me how to get those lists, and I’ve updated the guide. You need to make a user.cfg file, run any map script, then look in the game folder for MythRMConstants.txt. Details in the guide.

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