Gurjaras vs Turks - prolly the most uneven matchup since aoe2 beta

If anything I think Bengalis are better prepared to deal with Gurjaras than most civs. Elephants or Rathas are decent

Gurjaras delete every comp but thats the best u can do with turks.

Demolition ships are more effective i must say.

That is probably the only bad matchup Turks have in closed map (Britons/Mayans/Hindustanis are evenly matched and the all other civs are good matchup for Turks)

Still, Turks have an edge in late game when you managed to get mass of Sipahi Cav archer. Camels counter Cav archer only in small number and Camel with extra melee armor is not effective vs CA.

go try it ok ? pls go try it !!!
Dont abuse bro…Gurjaras has more then %80 win rate against turcos.

u can do nothing against gurjaras.

Gurjaras has over %80 win rate against Turks…What are u talking about ?

Bro this is a civ with 25% faster training AND cheaper food camels and they delete CA on contact (which are btw slower and have significant frame delay). Sipahi does nothing with that 40% extra bonus damage. Not to mention Gurjaras still get bracer Eskirms with again food discount.


Not only Turks, some civs have a worse wr vs Gurjaras (Saracens, Bengalis, Italians,…) but nobody cares.


How well do swordsmen perform against Shrivamsha Riders? Maybe in Castle Age, Long Swordsmen and Crossbowmen would work. But it would be tough and you couldn’t force a fight. Turks are supposed to counter cavalry with Camels of their own, which clearly wouldn’t work here.

To be honest, I think if someone had posted Gurjaras as a civ design on this forum, it would have been torn to pieces. They have three bonuses and two unique techs that directly help Camels plus a cheap unique unit that hard counters Camels’ main counter units, uses the same upgrades as Camels, and is the fastest unit in the game. It’s hard to see how they’re fixable, although I think making Shrivamsha Riders train from the Castle would be an obvious first step.

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Quite poorly. Shrivamshas have better DPS and HP, and can avoid fights better than Eagles. They beat LS, and fairly cost effectively after Kshatriyas. It’s probably different in Imp with a strong infantry civ, but even then I don’t see why you wouldn’t just go halbs.

Yes. Part of this I would ascribe to people here holding hypothetical designs to higher standards than the devs themselves apparently do (in terms of balance, acceptability of “reusing” similar bonus types, and other criteria). And the other part being of course that Gurjaras are bonkers. I at least respect that the thought of balance crossed the devs’ minds at some point since their goldless lategame is bad, but that doesn’t warrant the excess of their prior strengths.

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Just thought it was worth repeating this, in case there was any doubt…

Make full feudal army, otherwise it’s gg. Gurjaras are too broken.

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