Guys, let's vote for DLC civ you want

Just do WOL. I don’t want to have meaningless arguments with you anymore.

Fun fact: WOL was initially a mod to add more Latin Americans.
Why should I turn to a mod if there are potentially official contents?

Meaningless arguments, like the devs were really looking at Ottoman colonization attempts in Indonesia when they decided to introduce them to a game about colonization of the Americas, maybe?

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That never happend? Go back to history class, ever heard about the opium wars? Jezus man why you even argueing here when you know this little about the subject.

Also mainland China was never a map, the Silk Road was, but ever heard of Russian expansion and colonization into asia? Siberia?

It is you who need to go back to your history class, Mr expert-of-the-colonization-theme:


The war ended in the signing of China’s first Unequal Treaty, the Treaty of Nanking.[187][188] In the supplementary Treaty of the Bogue, the Qing empire also recognised Britain as an equal to China and gave British subjects extraterritorial privileges in treaty ports. In 1844, the United States and France concluded similar treaties with China, the Treaty of Wanghia and Treaty of Whampoa, respectively.[214]

“The Qing empire also recognised Britain as an equal to China and gave British subjects extraterritorial privileges in treaty ports.”, Yeah this clearly made China part of the British Empire.

We all know that Yellow River is not part of mainland China, or Russian clearly expanded into the Yellow River area. And Siberia is clearly also part of mainland China.

I think the theme is the age of discovery. This includes colonialism, the control of maritime power,
Territory expansion, civilization collision, eye On The World.

Ottoman participates in the game because it controls the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Persian

When European adventurers go to every corner of the world, there is always a corresponding
indigenous civilization.It’s not too late to come back to Europe after we have walked around the world.

Because it’s fun let my design new Civilisations.
I try to make them not powerful and no houses that generate resources.




Genoese Crossbow Archaic Infantry with a small ranged attack bonus against Cavalry instead of Heavy Infantry.
Swordman Melee Infantry with attack bonus against Heavy Infantry. Similar to Indian Urumi.
Skirmisher (Age 3)


Elmeti none mercenary version of Elmeti. More HP but less speed than the Spanish Lancer. (Age 3)
Dargoon (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

Hoop Thrower Grenadier with stronger damage against Infantry but lower AoE


Bombard Cannon heavy and slow cannon with a lot of HP.


They can choose sponsors. (Genoa, Venice, Milan etc.) Maybe on Age up.
Royal Guard units depend on sponsors.
The sponsors also give different economic bonuses. I mean they are sponsors after all.




Spearman Like Pikeman
Knife Thrower short range anti Heavy Infantry with decent melee.
Rifle Man Light Skirmisher (Age 3)


African Lancer Melee cavalry with good base damage and small bonus against Infantry. Only 1 Population.
African Cavalry Archer Good against Heavy Cavalry. (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

No Horse Artillery and Mortar.

No Facotry.


Ages up by choosing to unlock Church, Mosque, Synagogue or Pagan Temple that all give different bonuses, technologies and units. Gives a wagon for the building but also allows rebuilding.
Have a King instead of an Explorer.


Priest, Spy and Church Technologies.
Can also train a limited number of Portuguese Musketeers.


Economic technologies (Villager production bonus)
Can train Imam and Spy.
Can also train a limited number of Janissaries.


Technologies that benefit buildings.
Can train Rabbi (healer).
Can train Mercenaries like Monastery.


Technologies that benefit units.
Can train Pagan Priest (healer).
Can train unique heavy melee Infantry.

The 4 healing units are each limited to 5 and have a different Unction like bonus.
Attack, HP, Speed, XP bonus aura that stacks.
Each of the buildings have one upgrade for the King.




Spearman more resistant than Pikeman
Archer long range and high rate of fire anti Heavy Infantry
Jazayerchis Long range Musketeer with Ranged bonus damage against Heavy Infantry and maybe Light Cavalry but not as strong in melee. (Age 3)


Light Lancer Melee infantry with a small bonus damage against Infantry that only costs 1 population
Zamburak like Indians.
Camelery Heavy Melee Cavalry with attack bonus against other Heavy Cavalry (Age 3)
War Elephant slower but more HP and more ranged resistance than Mahout Lancer. No Attack bonus against anything. (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

No Horse Artillery and Mortar.

No Facotry.


Age up with Wonders. All wonders provide economic bonuses, no other economic bonuses.
Have a Mosque that functions like a Church like the Ottomans.
Have an Explorer like the Europeans
Have no Consulate.




Skirmisher (Age 3)


Dragoon (Age 3)
Cavalry Archer (Age 3)
Pancerny Charge attack with a lance like Coustillier (AoE2) but than switch to sword (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

No Grenadier

Unique Features

Combined cards for Villagers and economic buildings form the Home City.
For example Age 1 is Market Wagon plus 3 Villagers.
As an elective monarchy they get completely unique politicians.

Uhlan and Hussar have combined upgrade.
Dragoon and Cavalry Archer have combined upgrade.

This might be a bit boring but I think it’s impossible to not give them Uhlans and Hussars.




Berber Archer cheap archaic infantry
Berber Spearman cheap archaic infantry
Berber Arquebusier lower range but cheaper Skirmisher (Age 3)


Berber Cavalry Cheap but efficient Melee cavalry that only costs 1 population.
Bedouin Horse Archer (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

No Horse Artillery and Mortar.

No Facotry.


Villagers cost 90 Food and train 10% faster but are equivalent to other villagers.

Maybe they can build consulate.


You make a Poland civ without winged Hussars? you monster :stuck_out_tongue:

jokes aside, these look fine but still a little bland. Choosing sponsors for example doesnt tell me much, what do they do? Are they like the american natives council?

Perhaps we should start a topic for fan civs, I too like creating those for fun. Currently working on Denmark.

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They have Hussars they just need windows for the Guard version.

Sponsors would give multiple things like economic modifiers.
Maybe even homecity cards?
Maybe there are generic Sponsor Cards that than give you different things depending on your sponsor.
I just made this list with some ideas so people can see how those civilisations could work, no perfectly balanced concept.

I don’t know much about Denmark-Norway (one country at that time) besides the fact that Denmark was using German as a military language.


fair enough.

I didn’t know that, that’s interesting. It’s quite hard to find good information about the Danish military in the game’s era. I can see why they went with Sweden for the DE.

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Where did I say China became part of Britain? Lol. I said it became an informal empire within Britain, I.E. Britain exerted heavy influence upon them and China basically did what Britain wanted them to do withouth officially being part of Britain, I never said they were directly part of Britain

According to merriam-webster:
1—used as a function word to indicate enclosure or containment
2—used as a function word to indicate situation or circumstance in the limits or compass of
3— to the inside of

Britain exerted heavy influence upon China but China did not become anything in any sense inside Britain. Not even a vassal or protectorate.
I didn’t see a major part of China here:

Edit: okay I see there is the concept of “informal Empire” but that has nothing to do with colonization, right?


Home City

Capital - Cracow
Personality - Sigismund II Augustus or Sigismund III Vasa



Cossack Archer (Age 2)
Skirmisher (Royal Guard)


Winged Hussar (Charge attack with a lance like Coustillier (AoE2) but than switch to saber) (Age 4)
Cavalry Archer (Royal Guard)
Pancerny (use czekan/pickax) (Age 3)

Artillery Foundry

Horse Artillery

Unique Features

Szlachcic is a hero (cavalery unit, can train a Hussar. 3 limit.).

The villagers are weak, but quicker to train.

Combined cards for Villagers and economic buildings form the Home City.
For example Age 1 is Market Wagon plus 3 Villagers.

They have a new building - Folwark (combination of the Farm and Livestock Pen).

As an elective monarchy they get completely unique politicians.

Skirmisher and Cavalry Archer have upgrade (royal guard):

  • Skirmisher - Piechota
  • Cavalry Archer - Lisowczyk

Potential polish civ should also have poor artillery, and quite weak infantry, but powerfull cavalry.


I believe the wikia site of Rise of Nations includes several fanfictions. We can either have a thread or a wiki page for this.

It does tho, it isnt colonizing itself but it has to do with British colonization in Asia and it does with the trade and other stuff that is in correlation with the colonization and influence nations exert from great distances.

For European civs people may refer to Napoleonic Era mod, which has done a pretty good job in terms of unit selections. Some mechanics though need to be “reversed” or “downgraded” to fit in the game better because they are too absurd or OP.

Cossack Archer

Winged Hussar



Alright I’d accept the idea that “China was part of the British informal empire”. But I’m still not going to agree to “the game theme has been and should always be about colonization”.

My main argument is: the game may have been evolved around colonization, but the decisions to include many of the existing contents are not based on the consideration of colonialism but because they are fun or cool. So there’s a lot potential to add a lot of things besides colonial empires and colonized regions.

Edit: but let’s not continue on this anymore. This is already a huge digression from the topic.

Even if there would be a Poland, which in my opinion doesnt need to be, before other civs. These “unique” mechanics are almost all already a thing.

The Natives have the combined lifestock and farm. The polish lancer, like you said, is from AoE II and would just feel clungy and weird, although I guess with getting used to it, it could be a thing and not something I would be against.

Them having a unique explorer kind off breaks away the whole idea behind the European civs. I.E. every continent part has unique mechanics and every civ has unique mechanics, the explorers fit within the continental part, like warchiefs and monks. Them being different would break this.

Uhlan is already the German unique unit and either Germany should then get a new one which would be odd and shouldnt be done or Poland should get a different hussar type.

From the vanilla game it has been, yes DE has made steps to change it, but that was my whole point. A DE shouldnt do this. If the Warchiefs or Asian Dynasties really broke away from colonial theme, then I would agree with you here. But also there is so much more content to do with colonialism that is interessting.

Do you, honestly, prefer a blend, same mechanics European civ or Asian civ, over new mechanics fresh continent and new cultures of Africa or Oceania?

Also one of my replies earlier was kind of rude so apologies for that one.

Flag of Poles

Home city: Cracow

Sigismund II Augustus or Sigismund III Vasa


Houses (Industrial/Imperial Age)
