Hard, Hardest and Extreme AI

Seems today’s update has implemented fixes for AI’s aggression and battle tactics.

Ill post my findings once I play a few games!

Played my first game. Seemed much better, but I’m yet to try a few more games.

FYI, AI still doesn’t build Trading Posts at trade sites.

Nice let us know how your next games go!

Yeah the AI is far more agressive in this update (NICE!!). But the problem you mention with the trading post happens to me aswell (The AI doesnt build trading posts)
Here is a picture of a game, with the timer and without trading posts built by the AI (I am the yellow player)

I’ve played a little bit of matches against the AI (extreme) and noticed some things:

  • They’re not building trade post on trade routes (they do capture settlements).

  • They take too long to expand their eco (building additional tcs).

  • In Florida map they’ll forget about the existance of water and forget to make docks

  • They keep sending hordes of settlers across the map, they don’t care if its a suicide mission.

  • The AI will make tons of plantations/mills but in some cases they will abandon them trying to search natural resources (I had a Lakota AI that made like 10+ Estates but they abandon them in order to search for hunt/piles of gold that were in a very dangerous zone).

  • Sometimes the AI doesn’t know where to send their troops and they’ll start spazzing in place (most noticeable with cannons).

Although the AI is better than before, it still needs some improvements

Agreed with the above. Kudos for the improvements, but the AI is not quite there just yet. :slight_smile:

  • The definitely needs to begin gathering from mills/farms/paddies and estates much sooner. They tend to leave into ultra late-game which in turn results in many of the villagers being killed when venturing off to hunt far away. I’ve also noticed the AI sometimes doesn’t build any farms at all, even upon reaching Imperial Age. Quote bizarre, but it would do them tonnes of good if they’d receive farming/estate priorities early on.

  • AI tends to retreat armies too frequently. They’ll send out a force, lose a few units and then retreat needlessly.

More info to follow soon.

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Yep agreed with the games I’ve played too.

Settlers are sent on suicide missions to find resources and Armies still retreat too easily/often.

Since the update I have noticed that the AI in 1v1 local games is much more challenging, however when playing multiplayer games with other human players against the AI (3v3, 2v2) the AI is not aggressive and is useless.

So I’ve played several games, and I can confirm the AI is still far too passive. While there is an improvement, they still don’t quite attack enemy bases frequently, and if they do they pinch the outskirts and then retreat.

So a few areas there needs be improvements in:

  • Gathering: earlier farms and plantations as they seem to delay these until very late (post Industrial Age and sometimes Imperial Age).

  • Smaller natural resource gather range/lesser priority for natural resources after Commerce Age so settlers don’t constantly venture out into enemy territory to gather (or other dangerous areas).

  • Improved aggressiveness: AI needs to attack with larger armies and more frequently and stop constantly retreating during or before battle. It’s simply too easy to survive against the current AI.

  • Ability to build Trading Posts at trade sites again.

  • Sometimes AI gets stuck at Commerce Age (I suspect this is tied to their gathering behaviour).

All the AI really needs is their old attack and gather behaviour from the classic AoE3 plus of course the new micro and numerous other improvements coded in DE along with it. That’d make them more than formidable and bring back that fun factor for me (and probably the vast majority of those who happen to play offline).