Haudenosaunee: Looking Forward

I’m aware of that, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are far from unique to them. Above all, they are a Longhouse, so making them anything other than a house is kind of silly. Ultimately you’re suggesting massive gameplay changes to an existing civ for something that isn’t historically or conceptually better.

If you really want a unique Town Center equivalent, giving the Portuguese a Feitoria would be the most obvious way to do that.

That’s my point. Longhouses are a fairly generic kind of house. Forcing them into the role of a weird Iroquois TC just muddles everything for civs that would just need them for a house.

Yep, never once remarked on that.

Buildings that generate coin should be growing cash crops, not food crops.

The PNW natives shouldn’t have Farms or Three Sisters Gardens, instead they should have Clam Gardens.

I’d argue Japanese Shrines and infinite whales are also stupid and could be done better. Finite whales and replaceable Fish Traps would make way more sense for the water. Maybe also more sources of offshore coin like pearls.

That’s more or less how real banks do it.

Got any sources on the historical warriors? Searching it only comes up with the modern insurrection.

There is only the vaguest of detail of these various groups using cannons, so splitting them into half a dozen different units is pretty contrived. In all these cases it is natives using captured or purchased European cannons, so there isn’t much to set them apart.