[Helping weak civs] some minor ideas for improvements

that’s why i am all for waiting and getting more data, and hearing other opinions. what i am not okay with is making changes that don’t need to be made.

Ley us try to discuss on some options:

  • fetching, bodkin arrow, and bracer cost no food
  • fetching, bodkin arrow, and bracer cost -50%
  • crossbowman and arbalest upgrades are either free or 50% cheaper

All these things do not apply to their powerful late game. Just help a bit their main strategies

I doubt they’ll give them a brand new bonus, tweaking the wood bonus and their tech tree is more practical to discuss

Vietnamese got a new bonus for balancing. Teutons as well.

However, acting on the wood discount, making it more relevant is a good option. The problem is that, as for Italians and Portuguese, water balance should be considered.

The best proposal regarding the wood bonus may be to extend it to siege, but this affects their powerful late game.

The disadvantage I see in acting on the wood bonus is similar to the gold one of Portuguese. It is weak in early stages, but more and more important later (for war wagons in particular). Even extended to siege, it may provide help too late to Koreans, which imo need something earlier.

Mmm it is true that koreans are pulled between too many things, a bit like portos of italians (I personally had this complaints about this civs), maybe applying the wood discount to siege too could help improve them.

Well, yes the wood disc. doesn’t help you get more units trained, but it helps you with farm eco. Also a lot of civs doesn’t have any faster gather rate, or discounts that are even worse than koreans’ one.

For who?
Also, maybe only 50g for fletching is a bit too strong of a bonus.

Yes I agree, new bonus should be only for desperate cases.

Koreans, I was trying to propose some options to give them a small early boost

and it pails in comparison to the celts wood bonus by a massive amount.
my idea
for Koreans - maybe bump there wood bonus up to 20%.
same for Portuguese, make there gold bonus 20%.
as for Italians, maybe give them archer line upgrades for free.

Italians, Portuguese, and Koreans are weaker than Celts and I think that if they become stronger, the risk is over buff.

I am fine with increased discount for Portuguese and Koreans. But, don’t you think that the late game should be stay as it is.

Free archer line (or discounted) may be a good option for Italians as well

Viets needed something. Everyone at this point agrees Teuton bonus list is bloated. Koreans recieved their fortification bonus and then it was nerfed to being useless and then it was replaced with the wood discount bonus. I doubt they’ll invent another one for them instead of fixing what they have

Not 100% sure… if it better to add a new bonus I do not think it is a big thing…

However, if you want to stay on the wood bonus, there are some possibilities:

  • make it stronger
  • extend to siege
  • extend to techs

Which is the best one?

Koreans will make siege, so discount on this will be good. Especialy in Castle Age.

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it might break them in late imperial age though.

Yes, and increasing its value may break the water balance

Wood is more important early, later important is gold. And they dont have discount here.

but if you force your opponet to a castle war koreans are suddenly a top tier economy civ

  1. maybe yes, but korean war wagons definitely need a wood cost increase then, atleast by 10
  2. too strong
  3. nah, uninspired bonus, koreans would be too strong on maps that require an extreme amount of map controll

Ok, say you put it at 20% or something like that, increasing the cost of war wagon to leave them as they are now.

My concerns are:

  • does this really help Koreans?
  • does water balance become unbalanced?

I don’t think its too strong, its just a weaker slav bonus, we already have such overlaps with Portuguese and italians

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yes, but slavs dont have less minimum range and +1 range on onagers

no but slavs have siege ram and heavy scorpion, and you now have to pay for the range. And the minimum range is a curse than a bonus

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