Hera and viper: portuguese, turks, koreans OP

They should have, so we wont have turks and indians lc with 5 armor in castle age and civs like port with just too many bonuses, but well honestly this is the worse patch for me i can’t complain more about balancing since the added lag or delay in commands is still there so path finding got worse, game is unplayable more in team games.

When they improve organ guns or HC, they may reduce the gold discount. We should wait and see if they are OP in this update

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: This guy… Obviously you know better than not only the best ranked players but also the tourney players… If only you had been given the chance to play in a tourney you would’ve shown us all how great porto and turks actually are :joy::joy: omg the ego…

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Did you know that the balance team gets one suggestion approved and the rest of the changes comes from the devs right?

Having clarified that, most changes don’t obey or follow top players opinion, not even their own stats as you can see they have released broken things to partially nerf them after 6 months, just look at the arambai nerf i guess they were laughing at us with that,it did nothing, in fact prior the hotfix the so called nerf wasn’t even working, so yeah i am quite sure i would do a better job atleast i would test things before releasing them lol

Not cheaper, exact same.

It is 134% as all speed multiplies with each other, doesn’t add up.