Heracles Hero Unit

Is anyone capable of, or tell me how to mod Heracles so he’s the strongest hero unit in the game?

He’s the most famous and powerful hero in Greek Mythology and he just gets a real bum deal here. I don’t want him to be game breaking, just attack, defenses and health in line with a hero like Polyphemus, maybe slightly higher base attack since he has no special ability.

In the original edition I just changed the code in a notepad, but that doesn’t seem to be an option now.

First download the resource manager, you can find it in this forum.
Use the resource maanger to go to the game directory and find game/data/Data.bar file, open it with resource maanger.

View the compressed xml files and find out which file you need to edit. Unfortunately I’m also new to AoMR modding you need to find out the files and values yourself.

I see in the game\data\gameplay\attack_time.xml.XMB there’s entries for every unit’s attack time, perhaps it’s a good start. Not sure where the damage, defense and health values are though.

<unit name="Heracles"> <protoaction name="HandAttack"> <time>0.6</time> </protoaction> <protoaction name="RangedAttack"> <time>0.5</time> </protoaction> </unit>

You can’t directly edit it in the resource manager so you have to extract the select file first. The resource manager will extract the file and keeping the folder structure so you’ll be able to zip the extracted game folder to make a mod. The xmb files are compressed xml files and text editors couldn’t open it directly, so you need to convert it to xml using the resource manager, then after the edit convert the xml back to xmb.

All the main stats and traits for units are in proto.xml like in the original game.

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