Hospitaller - art & models [criticism]

They’ve created a nicely made DLC, with lots of really good looking models. The sentinels, armored pistoleers and winged hussars among my favorites, but there is plenty of amazing content to explore.

But despite all that effort, the hospitaller knight got little love.

First of this is the non-upgraded hospitaller, which is fine as it is a throwback to the campaign and you’d expect it to look more upgraded later on. Like the sentinels in this very same screenshot.

This is the “Guard upgrade”, I couldn’t find any good screens from this or the veteran upgrade. But as you can see it is a simple little color change and an added greathelmet. For the industrial era hospitaller, feels a bit lackluster and you’d expect more of a change.

Now to the biggest offender in my eyes. The imperial upgrade, which at the very very least could have been the elite and imperial looking hospitaller knight.

What you’d expect it to look like.

And… What we actually got…

It has to be that the art isn’t finished for the hospitallers, I can’t find another reason for the lack of effort on them. Compare it to the sentinels, that look a lot more refined and has a clear defined upgraded silhouette.

Industrial era sentinels.

Even the “hoop thrower/fire thrower” has an upgraded appearance with more differences.

Non-upgraded vs imperial upgrade.

Lastly, I know this is a post focused on one unit and its details, but the hospitaller is supposed to be one of the unique units for a new civ. It feels lazy and as said, everything else is very well put together, but for one of the unique units of the new civ, they really didn’t give it any love. It could be that the art isn’t finished or implemented. But on the hospitallers it feels like they went with a lazy approach.

The rest of the DLC looks great! Best regards to you all!