Okay so i’m new to age of empires 4. Got it for the xbox series x. Been playing for about 3 weeks. Love it. Started on controller and then switched to keyboard and mouse on my console. I finally found someone with the same problem on reddit but that post was a year old. So this issue hasn’t been fixed. Are you kidding me? Wha are the devs doing? So i tried changing my hotkeys for selecting all barracks, selecting all stables, selecting all town centers, etc. whatever hotkey i put, it doesnt respond. So apparently whatever is “empty” on the default keys you cant change it even if you hotkeyed it to what you want. I believe its a bug for “building selection” please fix this issue. I really don’t understand how this hasn’t been fixed. Extremely disappointed.
I am having the exact same issue, whatever you put on blacksmith switch button or disbanding a control group button, it fails to get commands in game. Wth!
Is this ever going to be fixed?
Mouse and keyboard is also completely broken for Age Of Empires II
A while ago mouse and keyboard worked for AoE II but they progressively made it more broken. The last time I tried it, I pressed ‘h’ to move the camera to my town centre, but instead, it just changed the style of healthbars. Please note that I never changed the hotkeys - I barely got good at using the default keys so I definitely didn’t change them. I only taught myself a few basic shortcut keys when I used the keyboard. Also, I could not select my units or click on buildings when I last attempted to use mouse and keyboard.
This is really sad because Microsoft added mouse and keyboard support for Xbox games, but now one of their most famous intellectual properties doesn’t support it, and there is no word on when they will fix it. It’s really good if they can fix these problems, because Xbox controllers quickly degrade with heavy use, and after 18 months or 2 years people may wish to use their mouse and keyboard instead. Especially since the Series S/X controllers have tiny grips that constantly slip out of my hands as soon as the weather warms up. I don’t think they designed these controllers with a European adult male’s hand size in mind. It’s like they made these controllers for little children or perhaps the Eastern market.
Since I’m a Linux user with no graphics card, there’s no chance that I could play AoE on PC, so mouse and keyboard isn’t an option for me. My PC is already quite old and Windows 11 isn’t supported. Later this year I’d have to pay a subscription to keep support for Windows 10. Graphics cards are so expensive these days it’s just ridiculous to think that everyone should play this game on PC when an Xbox is so much cheaper.
@yuceless @CoHHbNreppa All I can say is that you should be making bug reports in the appropriate forum. I’ve bought every single DLC for Age Of Empires II, and I want to get into AoE IV in the future when I have the money and a better Xbox. It’s just too bad if the developers won’t get around to fixing mouse and keyboard support. PC snobs will just keep laughing at us and tell us that we’ll never be competitive in ranked games lol. Oh well.
edit: opps yeah this is already posted in the right forum, my mistake. Take my money Microsoft, but please also allow Xbox players to use mouse and keyboard.